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Countdown - How long till you see your SO?

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21 days. once school is finished for the summer. I'm excited.. i wish it wasnt so expensive and such wear and tear on my car..and he didnt have a roomate. i'd go there so much more

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I see my girl in less than 14 hours.... Early flight out in the morning.


Very excited. The days will go by to fast I know...


And as always my timing is horrible... She just texted me... Her Aunt "Flo" came to visit just tonight.... lol..... Figures. :) (sorry TMI!)


Matters not, we have little planned but whatever we feel like doing...


Nice and slow visit....


Cheers to you all and thanks for the LDR community.


- Deadcan

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My husband will be going back to America soon :( so I will become a part of the countdown *sighs* every day is a drag when your parted from your other half.

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36 for me.


So, being in an LDR is not easy. Makes it worse when you tell your boyfriend something or someone (from the opposite sex) bothers you. And instead of understanding. He decides to purposely make things worse by making either comments to that person, or simply referring to going out with them to "hang out" (and not as friends).


I suppose for him its stupid that I feel this way and decides to push my buttons just so he can be a "ball buster".


To me, it's a lack of respect from his end.


bleh.. Just venting. :sick:

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Citizen Erased
36 for me.


So, being in an LDR is not easy. Makes it worse when you tell your boyfriend something or someone (from the opposite sex) bothers you. And instead of understanding. He decides to purposely make things worse by making either comments to that person, or simply referring to going out with them to "hang out" (and not as friends).


I suppose for him its stupid that I feel this way and decides to push my buttons just so he can be a "ball buster".


To me, it's a lack of respect from his end.


bleh.. Just venting. :sick:

Damn, that's not right. Even if you are being silly, he is being an arse.


LDR's are hard enough, playing stupid games like that aren't acceptable.

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Finally!! We narrowed things down. :bunny: He is coming out May 10, and staying until May 29. Then we are both flying back to his home, and I am staying until June 14th. That is 36 days together!! =O Our longest visit!! I am so excited!!!! :love:







40 Days to go:bunny:

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30 more days, wooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!! Then we'll be together for 14 days straight :bunny::bunny::bunny: Plus I just found out we're going camping together (it'll be my first time though, lol) so even more excited now! :D

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I had put my countdown on hold for a bit until the visa was found, but now that we know where it is I'm back to anxiously counting down the days until we aren't LD anymore.



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39 Days out of the 40's


Hopefully this will be the last visit before I move. I doubt immigration will come through before the visit.

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23 days!


Bearandsue stay optimistic. No one knows how trying immigration can be on your patience until you actually go through it. Everything is gonna work out perfectly and when you least expect it you may get your approval!

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Oh my god, 17 days till i'm going to see my sweety for the first time :x

It's my birthday present because i got 18 today, and my family knows how badly i want to meet him so... they got me the perfect gift!! :D

I really can't wait and he's so excited aswell, life is good right now. :)

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