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still just friends? or could there be more?

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So, I am a seventeen year old male, getting ready to finish up high school and go to college, and their is a girl i talk to everyday and we work together. For roughly the last 3 months, she calls me pretty much every single night and we have pretty long in depth conversations. Also she texts me through out the day always asking what I am doing/ who i am with. We have hung out numerous times with just us two many times and she has introduced me to her friends. When ever we are around each other, we talk all the time, and always smile at each other, pretty much just do normal flirting things. She laughs at all my terrible jokes, and i catch her staring at me when I'm at work and she is across the building, and when i look at her, she either looks away or smiles a lot. k so about a month ago, i got the courage to ask her out finally after her and i went to the movies, and she gave me a pretty indirect answer. She said "I don't know, im not sure if i like you like that yet" so i was like "Ok. well should i move on or..." and she said "if you want to, I'm not really sure." Since then she has been calling me more/talking to me more/ and texting me more all the time. We flirt more and I'm not sure if i should ask her out again? or just keep going with the flow? or what.... I still really like her and I'm not sure on what i should do. Someone help me out

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I would just ask her if she's interested in you or not. But the way that is sounds, is like she is interested in you.

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