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Am I missing something? Part 2

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This is a continuation of 'Am I missing something?'


We went out another night just the two of us and we just chatted, shared all of our deepest darkest secrets with each other and I never felt so close with someone.

We make plans to go out another day and come that day she tells me she has to work.

So she calls me the next day offering to go out and since I was already out I promised to pick her up. She calls me within the next 5 minutes and tells me she can't go out because she had too many midterms and she knew nothing!

I hung up a bit angry. Cooled off and then called her back. She explained and apologized and then we had another intimate conversation like we did when we went out that one night. We talk for about an hour, she has to go so I leave her to study.


Its been a month and she has contacted me once to see how I was doing and either than that I've been trying not to contact her well because. I think she knows that I'm pissed off with her too. Because before all this happened we used to talk pretty often.


I think emotionally I've already cut her off.. I guess I'm a pretty intense person myself. Which makes me realize how much I may be over reacting hehe


Girls :rolleyes:

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Why are you even worrying about this chick? Give it up. She agreed to go out with you and then called you back and told you she couldn't because she had to study??????? She's a flake. When it becomes this hard to go out with someone, there's a message in that. Make one more pass and then don't ever think about her again unless she actually goes out with you.


I think you shouldn't get so emotionally (conversationally) intimate too soon. Leave her some things to wonder about you. If you spill all your guts to her initially, she'll grow bored. Let her wonder some.


I think you're going to find this one's a flaky dud.

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