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Back in the Dating Scene with set up guy?

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Hi everyone. I don't know if you guys remember my post about being set up way back in January with this guy three years older than me. I posted about it in April I believe. One date, we met less than a week before I had to return to finish school for the semester. Date was wonderful but he didn't ask to see me again during that week left so I was just curious about his interest level. But he sent a text message asking me for my screen name then another one saying too bad we met so late when I had to go back, but have a wonderful trip, and let's keep in touch through chat. So I go back to school, he im's me from time to time, not often at all, but time to time. And following Tony's helpful advice given at the time I also sent him the occasional email so "he didn't forget me" as Tony said. From that point on he's always sent me im's here and there and we've been in touch, just occasionally. Last time we talked was in May when he wished me a happy graduation. Around this time I was seeing a guy in my area and after some complications became exclusive. Anyway that didn't last long. I don't feel any sadness that it's over. THings with Set Up Guy sorta stopped at this time.


Ok fast forward to late June. I am graduated and back in Set Up Guy's area ( as in I'm back home now where he is). He im's me from his workplace asking if I am home. I say yes, he says "Welcome home and congrats on your graduation. Now relax and have fun with your friends. Lots of good movies out. Check this one out for sure." Gives me a title. But doesn't ask to see me or anything or call me so I cheerfully leave it at that. June is fun. Being home is great. etc.


Fast forward a little more to this month. Yesterday afternoon as a matter of fact. Guess who I run into at the gym. Mr. Set Up Guy! But stupid me hasn't seen him in so long and he's not dressed up and wearing his glasses like I last saw him in January so I don't even recognize him at the time. Just too wrapped up in my jogging ( banging head on wall). I find out he was there when he CALLS me on my way home from the workout, asking if by any chance I had been at the gym that afternoon cuz he thinks he saw someone who looked like me there but was afraid to approach me because he didn't have his glasses with him and couldn't see clearly and didn't want to make a fool of himself. Ok I know he can be kind of cautious, noticed that on first date.

Then he says if I am not too busy and can find some time "let's have dinner sometime?"

I say, "I am not too busy these days. Give me a ring when you have some free time off from work, dinner would be great. Have a nice weekend."


Is this progressing ok? Is he just taking it really really slow or is his interest level just not high up there on the list? I am just wondering why he knew I had been home for a month but now he asks me out after he sees me just by chance. I will defnitely go out with him if he does call and ask with a specific date, but I was just curious as to what you guys think. And I know this may be silly, but I want HIM to contact ME so I know for sure he's interested you know? Or am i expected to call him when my schedule frees up?


Thanks for reading all this!!

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There is no way your questions can be answered definitively. Only the guy knows those for sure. However, it seems like there is some level of interest since he went out of his way to call you after he thought he saw you at the gym.


Don't even worry about the guy. There are so many around to choose from. If he asks you out, great. If not, there are more down the road and lots more great movies coming out this year.


It's been my experience that the less you worry about these types of things, the more likely you are to get precisely the romance you want.



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