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Any possible ideas on whats going on with this FWB relationship..

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Hey all I need some info from the guys on a FWB (friends with benefits) type relationship. Ok I met this guy well we agreed that we were just gonna be FWB. However this guy is a construction worker and he travels alot. He is not orginally from my area. He will be leaving in April to go to another state.

Well he invited me over to spend some time together and ofcourse have sex. Well when i got there we laid on the bed and watched television,and joked around. We both kept all of our clothes on and never once did this guy touch me other than hitting me on the leg with his leg. He also hugged me when i came in the door and when i got ready to leave.

He made no sexual advances at all. When i got ready to go he said well let me find something else on television so you will stay. But nevertheless I had to go because i had to get up early. Well he contacted me that next day but I missed his call. So after work i called him back to see if he would like for me to come over and he said he was feeling bad so he would have to pass.


I contacted him again that Tuesday to see if we could get together. He said he had plans with his friends and said to come over Thursday instead. Well Wednesday night he contacted me sayin that his friends aparently got stuck at work but didn't mention anything about me coming over. So that Thursday I contacted him to see if it was still gonna be ok for me to come over. He said yeah so I went over.


Again we laid on the bed watched television,talked and joked around. This time he had on his boxers and a t-shirt. Well he still made no sexual advances to me. At one point he got hard and i know this cause i could plainly see this. he joked around bout it but still didn't touch or make any advances. He flashed me a few times by liftin up his boxers. I got all close to him,laid on his chest,rubbed my hands up and down his chest. He put his arm around me and held me close but other than that he hasn't tried kissing me or anything.


Well we he held me for a long time then when I moved to situate myself he sit up on the bed and was like he had to get up in the am so he needed to get to bed. Which it was 1:30 in the morning. he sit up on the bed and we continued to talk. Then i got ready to go so he could get some sleep. Saturday I sent him an erotic message to his phone sayin i was horney. Needless to say we didn't get together saturday night due to other plans. I have never had a relationship go this way. i mean I have been FWB before and I mean we met,we had sex. With this guy I just don't get it. And no he isn't married. My question is guys could you please give me some insight on this? I am used to the guy being the agressor and me taking over from there but i just don't get this guys deal. Any ideas?

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The benefits don't have to be just hot monkey sex. They can be found in intimacy, closeness, and comfort. He may be getting the hot monkey sex elsewhere, and still enjoys the 'cuddle buddy' time he has with you. Just don't mistake that for more than it is. You can want these things with a person and still not want commitment with them.

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