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Are we just friends?

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Hi there,


I have known "Jeff" for about a year and a half. I've had a secret crush for about a year but I've chosen not to say anything until I'm sure that he likes me more than just a friend.


Recently he feels he has to tell me when he sees a pretty bank teller, or waitress. I'm wondering does he say this to make me jealous and see if he can get a reaction out of me? Or is he letting me know that he is picking up vibes that I like him more than just a friend and he is letting me know that he only likes me as a friend?


We hang out a lot but I can't imagine a guy wants to hang out with the opposite just as friends....


Thanks for any advice Katie

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Hi there,


I have known "Jeff" for about a year and a half. I've had a secret crush for about a year but I've chosen not to say anything until I'm sure that he likes me more than just a friend.


Recently he feels he has to tell me when he sees a pretty bank teller, or waitress. I'm wondering does he say this to make me jealous and see if he can get a reaction out of me? Or is he letting me know that he is picking up vibes that I like him more than just a friend and he is letting me know that he only likes me as a friend?


We hang out a lot but I can't imagine a guy wants to hang out with the opposite just as friends....


Thanks for any advice Katie


Interesting, it could be both ways. He may just being doing that as the jealous thing you describe or you could be in the "friends zone" to where he talks to you like he talks to his guy friends. IE...."Damn that chick is hot...Did you see her" type of thing. I'd give him some signals your interested and see where it goes so you will know and not have to worry. If he catches them, he'll either respond back or you will get the hint your just friends.


A guy "can" hang out with a girl just as friends. I say "can" as there is usually some kind of tension that will mount at some point with them. The key is acting or not acting on it depending on the circumstances. There are girls I hang with that I'm not interested in that sort of thing, but then there are others who I'd love to date and wish I could but I know I'm in the "friends zone".

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