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should I attemp to make it more?

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Dear readers -


I was just wondering about something - I have a very close guy friend. We have been friends since 8th grade, graduated together, attended the same college, and just been really great buddies every since we met. And that's all we have even been (well, except a few times that we got drunk and kissed). But we have never dated. And it's never been an issue either. Everyone knows we are just good friends and he's never really acted like he wants it to be anything else and neither have I, except for the kissing thing. Well, I have never had luck in relationships. I tend to attract jerks and everytime I get hurt, my friend (Jason) is always there for my with a shoulder to cry on.


Here's my prob - lately I have been looking at him differently. I mean sometimes I think I might like us to attempt at a romantic relationship, but then I shake myhead and I am like "No, that's crazy!". But sometimes I don't know. He's such a catch, sweet, cute, charming...everything any girl could want. When he dates these stupid bimbos, I just hate it for him because he deserves a good girl that will treat him right, and sometimes I think I could be that girl.


But I don't want to mess up our terrific friendship that has been consistent and wonderful for so many years. But i also would hate to let something great pass me by for fear of losing him altogether...any advice?

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The two of you are close friends so it won't be a problem to bring up the subject and discuss it with him. Tell him if he should ever have the desire to upgrade the friendship, you would be open to it. See what his feelings are. It shouldn't be awkward. If he tells you he wants to keep it like it is, that will be OK with you. If he'd like to explore the next level, that would be fine too. You can't lose.


I think relationships between people who are very best friends make the greatest relationships...if the two people can pull it off.


Go for it!!!

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I think you should give it a shot! Me and my current boy friend were good friends before we were dating and it's one of the best relationships I've been in because there's more of a respect for feelings there and a friendship, I also know if it didn't work out we would probably go back to being friends again.


Ask youself a verry importat question


Would it be weird sleping with him are you attracted to him in that way

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