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How do you make friends? I am so lonely :( I have many acquaintances, but no close friends. I mean the kind I can call at any time of the night if I really need to. And who will call me in the middle of the night when they need an ear or help.


I'm so tired because the only times I feel close to another person is with some of my boyfriends. But boyfriends come and go. I need somebody who will stay in my life - a friend. But everybody already has friends. And not many people understand me.


Maybe I should learn to be OK without friends, without talking out my problems, without being there for anyone. But connection with people is the only thing that is real, that is what makes life worth living, is it not?


But I have a fear that people are bad. That people will only pretend to care. How can I tell?


I'm so confused.


thank you everybody.

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You poor thing!! Everyone needs friends! Unfortunately, friends come and go just like rotten men! LOL :D Like they say, you can count your true friends on one hand. The best way to make friends is to go out and meet all kinds of people. Go places and don't be afraid to talk to people. A good friend takes time, it won't happen overnight, but get out there and make some friends! Be persistent, and be yourself. It'll happen. If you need a email buddy, I am here for you! ;)

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