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Help!!! long distance relationship


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I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years, he's almost 21 and I'm 19. Two months ago he moved 3000 miles away from me, but we said we'd try to stay together. Now, it's not working, he's jealous and yells at me over the smallest thing, and expects me to pick up and move out there with him, which means leaving my whole family behind! I think I want to give up on it, but as soon as I mention us not being together I get a guilt trip. Please help, I need all the advice I can get!!!

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I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years, he's almost 21 and I'm 19. Two months ago he moved 3000 miles away from me, but we said we'd try to stay together. Now, it's not working, he's jealous and yells at me over the smallest thing, and expects me to pick up and move out there with him, which means leaving my whole family behind! I think I want to give up on it, but as soon as I mention us not being together I get a guilt trip. Please help, I need all the advice I can get!!!



Did you know that you don't have to ask anyones permission to break up with them? If you don't believe that you are willing to stick it out with him and he is calling you on the phone yelling at you, you can always tell him


"listen, your'e really upset at me right now and I don't like you yelling at me so when you get calmed down, call me


and we can talk about this." This is not a question. It is a statement. If this is how he reacts to things now and you are both young what will he do a few years from now when


you get married? Throw lamps? or coffee tables? I'm not saying for certain that he will be abusive but he's off to a good start.



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I've been with my boyfriend for 3 years, he's almost 21 and I'm 19. Two months ago he moved 3000 miles away from me, but we said we'd try to stay together. Now, it's not working, he's jealous and yells at me over the smallest thing, and expects me to pick up and move out there with him, which means leaving my whole family behind! I think I want to give up on it, but as soon as I mention us not being together I get a guilt trip. Please help, I need all the advice I can get!!!



This man is not in love with you. He wants to control you, and if you don't do what he wants, he gets mad. If he loved you, he would do anything he could to be with you. And you would do the same if you loved him. If you don't want to move there with him, then that's perfectly fine. Love is not control. It's two people sharing their lives together, where each one truly wants the other to be happy.

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