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Jealours and worried please help!!!

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hi well ive been with my gf for 9 months now and ive got her out of alot of bad habbits like drinking heavy smoking sweaaring all the time ect... sehs great now apart from she doesnt tell me evrything. for example i hada word with her the aabout 5 month ago that she promises to never share our relationship i.e never tell anyone anything about us because a relati0onship is a very personnel and private thing she agreed and promised .


She told me that last month she met up with one of my old m8s. we both hate him but she had to talk and she told me evrything they sed except that shed been saying we argue alot and shes not sure. i only just fount out from my friend what she had sed so shes been lieng to me an not telling me evrything.


how should i go about this when i ask because i know shes gonna lie to me when i ask and i hate lieng more than anything. some body please help reply asap :sick::mad::(

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Hey dude ..

Cool first .

I know you love her so much !

You want everything to be private and only you both .

I have the same prob . My gf .. i wish she would never tell her friends anything bout our relationship especially guys ! ..


She did i was damn angry and hated .

Maybe you been too hard on her she need to tell her feeling to someone . Or she might be feelin great with you . When you find something intresting / fun , you feel like telling everyone bout it . Like etc . Do you play PC games ? We come in group discussing all the tactic and everything . If you play it alone you will find it dull and lonely .


She need to get away from you for awhile to have her own time . I think most guys need to learn and accept this but i can't :p

Try talking to your GF . i don't advice breaking up . This is a long relationship don't let it slip just because of something . Eventhough that small thing mean something big to you . Try to get over it . But make sure your GF really love you and not flirting .. cause mine did . And it hurt bad !


And remember don't suggest breaking up if u wanna dump her or anything .. treat her nicely for that last call . And never to call her again . She will be calling and trying to contact with you if she still have feeling for you . If she don't ... she is a F**CKING BIT*H . You might wanna give her another chance talking to her softly and sweetly and listen to her explaination.


Remember everytime u feel angry , tell her . If you really cannot tolerate this relationship cause she don't tell you stuff and play secret with you . END THIS LOVE . try to forget bout her ! Time Heal Trust me ! Go fishing ! its good !

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