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Can FWB become friends and then lovers?

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I met a guy. Both of us had been in LTR for the last 4 years. We became FWB. He ended it because he did not want to hurt me, as he discovered (this is what he said) that I was a great person.

I went NC. He kept on calling me. Little by little we started going out as friends, no more sex, no kisses. Nothing. But great conversations and lots of fun. We spend a lot of time together. We see each other every day. He wants me to go on vacation with him. I love spending time with him, he loves spending time with me.

I asked him: do you see me as a friend or shall we try something else? He answered that he was not sure. I stepped back again, but he kept on calling me. We are now again seeing each other daily. We have been like this for more than 3 months. Lately there is some touching, teasing but he never tries to go one step further.


Should I give it some more time? Should I make a move and see what happens? Do you think this can develop into a relationship? Or is he using me just to spend time until he finds someone he really likes?


I am not afraid of losing his friendship, because I believe it is a real one. I am just developing feelings for him, and he knows that. But I would like to know how to do to increase my chances of getting even closer to him, if that is possible


Thanks guys!

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