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Can dinosaur fit in Bible?

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Wow. Just....wow.


Hey lonelybird (or any other believer who would care to post), how do you explain Plasmodium? Plasmodium is the parasite that causes malaria. Malaria kills millions of people each year, most of them children. 3,000 chldren get malaria every day. It has killed more people than all wars and all other plagues COMBINED.


You see, Plasmodium has DNA, the same building block shared by all life. If, as has been advanced on other thread that DNA similarity is the result of a common designer, then god designed a form of life that kills children, and does so very effectively. Why would an omnibenevolent god do this?


If Satan is responsible for disease, why did he use the same "stuff" god did? Is DNA the only thing that a superbeing can use? Why?


How is it that humans evolved to combat malaria? If one has a propensity for sickle-cell anemia, one is more resistant to malaria. Sickle-cell anemia is itself deadly, but a person with it lives on average into their 40s, long enough to reproduce, and much longer than if he or she had contracted malaria. If evolution doesn't happen, that would mean that god gave some people a chance at surviving malaria denied others. Why?


Why does malaria mutate so readily? It develops quickly to attempts to eradicate it, and a vaccine has been evasive. The only effective measure is to kill the mosquito, an intermediate host to the parasite.


If disease is punishment for sin, why does it effect children more than adults? What sin can a child under 5 years old possibly commit that would engender a horrible, painful death? Also, if we are sinful and deserve punishment, isn't it against god's will to try and find a way to combat malaria--his favorite punishment?


Which is a more effective treatment for malaria--prayer or medical treatment? Why?

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It would be an extremely tight fit. :laugh::confused: (sorry that was too obvious)


The bible has some reference to dragons and other monsters. Not that anyone had ever seen one. Dragons and monsters are common imaginative creations of all cultures. If you want to rationalize the bible to fit with the dinosaurs, you could do it that way.


And as to your link lovely,.....

Most people believe the fossil record does support evolution because they are told this by others who confuse wishful thinking with facts.


The same can be said for the way creationists object to Evolution. For some reason, people have an issue with being "of monkeys". For some reason it's an insult. Why is that?

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If Satan is responsible for disease, why did he use the same "stuff" god did? Is DNA the only thing that a superbeing can use? Why?



Have you ever been to Gods'R'Us? The product lines are not as extensive as first believed.

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But shouldn't we hold the people responsible who could put a stop to this tragedy


Of course we should, it is our only opinion. Basically, if there is a god then IT, we, and nature are responsible. If there is not, then nature and we are responsible.


You can absolve god of responsibility if you believe.

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I wish sometimes that I knew all the answers, but that is where the faith comes in. Maybe these children are being saved from a life of constant war,famine or watching family members dying of AIDS and being left as orphans. I don't know.


I am speechless... Do you realize the implications of such a statement?


I read through a bunch of stuff on the links the OP posted. Aside from the fact that the amount of ignorance and misinformation there started to make my brain hurt I find it totally disheartening that people can actually believe that crap.


Let me point out that even the Vatican accepts evolution and the scientifically established time line of earth because even they have realized that the evidence for this is completely overwhelming.

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Let me point out that even the Vatican accepts evolution and the scientifically established time line of earth because even they have realized that the evidence for this is completely overwhelming.


Yeah well a lot of fundamentalist christians believe that catholics are going to hell, so there ya go. Makes a pantsfull of sense, doesn't it?

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Maybe these children are being saved from a life of constant war,famine or watching family members dying of AIDS and being left as orphans. I don't know.



So its god the euthanizer now?

Sorry but evoking that it is gods will that certain groups of people should die is kind of sick and is on a really slippery slope. There are also more than enough people out there who think they are also doing some gods will. :rolleyes:

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Yeah well a lot of fundamentalist christians believe that catholics are going to hell, so there ya go. Makes a pantsfull of sense, doesn't it?


I don't think religion makes any sense anyways... But I find it really disturbing when people try to convolute obvious facts in nature to try and fit something like dinosaurs into the old testament. It is like saying a car runs because under the hood there is a demon on a treadmill.

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I've asked this before and I'll ask it again: WHY CAN'T GOD BRING ABOUT LIFE THROUGH EVOLUTION??? I mean, he's God, what's wrong with him being a bit creative about how he accomplishes things?


I just don't see why one has to spend so much time on a battle where there doesn't need to be one.

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one of my most favoite conversations with a born-again-christian about time went a little something like this:


Me: How do you explain fossils and dinosaurs.

Her: They are not really that old. The scientists are lying. They all died cause Noah couldn't fit them on the Ark.


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I've asked this before and I'll ask it again: WHY CAN'T GOD BRING ABOUT LIFE THROUGH EVOLUTION??? I mean, he's God, what's wrong with him being a bit creative about how he accomplishes things?


I just don't see why one has to spend so much time on a battle where there doesn't need to be one.


So you trace life backwards through evolution, and space time back to the big bang and then what? Is that the moment when God touched off our universe? But you always end up with the same problem. If god created everything then who created god?


Believers will say no one, because god is god... but this answer is totally unsatisfying.

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This is a great video which (imo) is one of the strongest pieces of evidence that points to a common ancestor with chimpanzee's.




Yet another nail in the coffin for modern religion. It's probably going to take many generations for many people to accept this possibility.

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one of my most favoite conversations with a born-again-christian about time went a little something like this:


Me: How do you explain fossils and dinosaurs.

Her: They are not really that old. The scientists are lying. They all died cause Noah couldn't fit them on the Ark.



I hear the same argument, the first thing that comes to mind is brainwashing and ignorance.

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I didn't read the links, but I followed the thread and what is sadly interesting to me is that so many people constantly ask others "how" and "why" as if they honestly expect that the answer exists and that they just are not being told.


No matter what path you follow; science, faith, or indifference - the answer is not available to mankind at this time. It may never be available, if an answer exists at all.


My opinion on how dinosaurs fit into the written record of faith is that those writing it had no knowledge of what came before the human race on the planet so how could they understand or write about it.

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My opinion on how dinosaurs fit into the written record of faith is that those writing it had no knowledge of what came before the human race on the planet so how could they understand or write about it.

That is the key point of that link. dinosaurs weren't before Human beings. 'the dinosaurs existed millions years ago' are the theory the evolutionist made up. The person who wrote the Bible saw dinosaur, maybe at their time, the dinosaurs were only small ones because the flood killed most of giant ones, Job and many others described it in the Bible.


according to fossils that cannot link one species to another, evolutionists made up theories that is taught in today's school

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That is the key point of that link. dinosaurs weren't before Human beings. 'the dinosaurs existed millions years ago' are the theory the evolutionist made up. The person who wrote the Bible saw dinosaur, maybe at their time, the dinosaurs were only small ones because the flood killed most of giant ones, Job and many others described it in the Bible.


according to fossils that cannot link one species to another, evolutionists made up theories that is taught in today's school


This thread has all kinds of stupid in it, but the above post is chockas!


It's wrong on three big points:


1) Humans and Dinosaurs existed at completely different times in the earths history. If they were around at the same time, we would find human fossils in the same strata.

2) There are no descriptions of dinosaurs in the bible.

3) There are hundreds of transitional fossils which "link one species to another"


Did you just watch a Kent Hovind video?


The "Theory of Evolution" explains the fact of evolution. Which is observable, testable and real.

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This thread has all kinds of stupid in it, but the above post is chockas!


It's wrong on three big points:


1) Humans and Dinosaurs existed at completely different times in the earths history. If they were around at the same time, we would find human fossils in the same strata.

2) There are no descriptions of dinosaurs in the bible.

3) There are hundreds of transitional fossils which "link one species to another"


Did you just watch a Kent Hovind video?


The "Theory of Evolution" explains the fact of evolution. Which is observable, testable and real.

Hi, brother, long time no see


here is a link about fossil, wow, interesting :D




Edited by Lovelybird
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Hi, brother, long time no see


here is a link about fossil, wow, interesting :D



This one here is complaining about the definition of fossil at a museum in the US. How is this related to this thread?


[quote name=Lonelybird0



In this one, he starts off saying that people are biased towards thinking about everything in an evolutionary sense and that they shouldn't trust their assumptions.


Then, he goes on to say:


"Creation isn't a theory', he says. 'The fact that God created the universe is not a theory—it's true. However, some of the details are not specifically nailed down in Scripture. Some issues—such as creation, a global Flood, and a young age for the earth—are determined by Scripture, so they are not theories."


So, because it's in the bible, he assume's it's correct. Oh the ironing!

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The "Theory of Evolution" explains the fact of evolution. Which is observable, testable and real.



That's only if you accept the Theory of Evolution and the science which is man-made to support the discoveries, as absolute fact. Not everyone does - including many scientists.


If all the world only accepted things tangible by our own senses, it would be pretty dull The tests and tools and technology we humans develop are developed to support findings in an attempt to explain those findings. When mankind reaches outside of our senses we 'discover' wonderous things that did not seem possible a few generations ago. Including things that defy and alter many things that science taught us in the past. "science" is fluid - even physics has changed based on how we have challenged the sciences as we progress. Have you ever read "The Miracle of Science"?

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That's only if you accept the Theory of Evolution and the science which is man-made to support the discoveries, as absolute fact. Not everyone does - including many scientists.


But the Bible isn't man made?

hmm. And if it's divinley inspired... meaning guided by an omnipotent being (all knowing)... wouldn't this omnipotent being know of the dinosaurs? He/she/it would have created them afterall if you follow that logic.


But no- I don't think dinosaurs "fit" in the bible... most of them are too big and it would make it hard to read with a T-rex snapping at you everytime you tried to turn the page.

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But no- I don't think dinosaurs "fit" in the bible... most of them are too big and it would make it hard to read with a T-rex snapping at you everytime you tried to turn the page.


LMFAO! This is pretty close to the image I had in mind when I first read the title of this thread.

And I also have to ask, who cares if they fit? The people who use the bible as a textbook (as opposed to a book full of analogies and mysticism) will never be convinced, those who worship at the high altar of science will always think that belief outside of "evidence"is stupid and naive. No reconciling such totally opposite ways of approaching existence, so why do these two camps keep trying?

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I keep trying in the name of science education. I am completely done with debating god's existence. But Evolution is an observable fact. And the theory of Evolution is so well tested. It is THE unifying theory of all biology.


That's only if you accept the Theory of Evolution and the science which is man-made to support the discoveries, as absolute fact. Not everyone does - including many scientists


In the context of total number of educated biologists world-wide, only a minute fraction reject Evolution as the unifying theory of biology.

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