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I've never had drug tests involving blood or hair samples, however, it's always been urinalysis.



some jobs do hair.My friends had to have ahair sample for a job but she was writing the programming for atms.


It depends what kind of job you have.


But most places do urine.

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Art Critic & Trimmer are spot on.


I don't want to work with anyone who uses drugs 'on their own time' because of the reasons stated above. What we do outside of work is our choice, but if its illegal activity of any kind then you gotta know that is a firing offense and/or a reason to not hire.


We have random drug testing where I work and that is fine. People have been fired because of it. And the lame excuse of smoking pot before I realized what it was is so transparent. Rates right up there with 'the dog ate my homework' as a defensive excuse.


People are so nonchalant about the drugs - does anyone even think about the fact that it is an ILEGAL activity?

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Art Critic & Trimmer are spot on.


I don't want to work with anyone who uses drugs 'on their own time' because of the reasons stated above. What we do outside of work is our choice, but if its illegal activity of any kind then you gotta know that is a firing offense and/or a reason to not hire.


We have random drug testing where I work and that is fine. People have been fired because of it. And the lame excuse of smoking pot before I realized what it was is so transparent. Rates right up there with 'the dog ate my homework' as a defensive excuse.


People are so nonchalant about the drugs - does anyone even think about the fact that it is an ILEGAL activity?


I respect your opinion, but at least where pot is concerned, in my mind the illegality means nothing except that the law needs to be changed.

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You're more intelligent than that. They aren't discrimiating between different drugs, they are trying to discriminate (in the sense of "separate") between drug users and non-drug-users. Besides, they aren't being duplicitous, are they? Does this not communicate clearly to you that they don't want drug users employed there?


This sounds an awful lot like "those bad guys who wouldn't let me smoke pot, they made me do coke and drink alcohol..." You always had the choice to not use. Nobody made you.


It was not my intention to make any kinds of excuses.


I know that's the effect of a pre-employment drug screen, but do you really think that the point of this whole exercise is just to "see if you can get clean for long enough," and then no one cares if you go back to using after you are employed?


That's the theory re: drug tests for weed at least that I've heard from a lot of professionals in this field.


Here's my concern: You've said that you "needed" the stripping job because it was the only thing lucrative enough to make enough money to cover your expenses. And then you "needed" to get wasted to get through the stripping. And now, you're doing the coke, because you think that's "safer" than the alcohol, which must means it's a good thing right?


I didn't say I thought coke was "safer" than alcohol, but that alcohol was more dangerous than pot and that I had dabbled in coke in order to circumvent the inevitable positive I'd get after smoking weed.


And all along you don't think you're an addict, but look at what you are doing to your life and your opportunities... You have a job lined up in the field you are targeting, and you are near to sabotaging it both with your actions - "accidentally" smoking up when you knew all along you'd have a drug test coming up - and by your attitude "well, if they have a childish attitude about drug testing, then I'm not going to work there."


In another thread - notably in the Addiction and Recovery forum - you were asking for a reality check on your drug use, and the topic of whether you were actually addicted was discussed. Again, whether by your actions or your attitudes, you are close to throwing away a real, live opportunity to move forward in your life, essentially because you insist on continuing to use drugs. I'll admit that I'm not an expert, or even experienced in such matters, but doesn't that sound like something an addict would do?


In many ways I think you're right on.


But I know I have problems.


Thanks for the advice, perception, and concern but I really didn't need anyone to tell me this for me to believe it. :o

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Citizen Erased
I respect your opinion, but at least where pot is concerned, in my mind the illegality means nothing except that the law needs to be changed.


Yes, but it hasn't been made legal. And it especially won't in the time frame you have. It isn't the issue. You need to stay off them to get this job, so just do it. Unless you want to be a stripper for the rest of your life (or at least for the maybe 10 years you have before you start looking like hell because of your age and drug use) do what you have to do.


If you missed out on an opportunity to make an actual career, it would be a shame.

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In the US, there is the Family and Medical Leave Act where your employer would be required to give you leave for your addiction and they cannot take any adverse actions. So, they cannot terminate you if you decide you need to rehab for your addiction, and they have to give you the time to do so.



You know what, if the consequences of the addictions fall out onto the employers, then I understand that they would want to do testing.


I'm not sure, but I think that in Canada, the federal gov picks up the slack at the point where an employee is let go because of drug-related incidents, through health care and social insurance. Which would explain why drug testing isn't such a common practice here. It is probably a much harsher reality: public health care is mostly focused on getting people through the system, where EI (employment insurance) is usually limited and conditional.

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Advocate's Devilette

Uh....love this generation. Umm...honey, when you were deciding to be out in the professional world a few months ago, did you consider that you should probably not take that toke?


I work in a professional job and they did a drug test the day I accepted the offer in person. Luckily I am not stupid and did any type of pot or anything within several years, that is just stupid.

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That's the theory re: drug tests for weed at least that I've heard from a lot of professionals in this field.


Those who say that are usually the ones who are addicted to drugs and want to reassure themselves that there is nothing wrong with that. The whole "the law needs to be changed" attitude feeds into that. I am pro legalisation of marihuana, but if a job requieres me to be free of drugs, then I have two choices: lose the job or the drugs.

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Advocate's Devilette


It is RIDICULOUS how many jobs require drup tests nowadays here in the states ! I mean I understand truck driver, bus drivers, medical personnell, etc, but now most GROCERY stores, home improvement stores, almost every place requires one !





Drugs are illegal, those people still have to drive to work usually, I don't want potheads driving to work while I'm out there. I don't want some pothead who couldn't correctly stack boxes because he was high working at the grocery store because it could fall on me.

Drugs are illegal activity, we don't want immoral people out there working. If you don't like it, move away from the good ole U S of A to a country which doesn't have STANDARDS.

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The thing is, if you want a new and better life, you have to let go of the old broken one. Leave it all behind and get the life you deserve.

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Drugs are illegal, those people still have to drive to work usually, I don't want potheads driving to work while I'm out there. I don't want some pothead who couldn't correctly stack boxes because he was high working at the grocery store because it could fall on me.

Drugs are illegal activity, we don't want immoral people out there working. If you don't like it, move away from the good ole U S of A to a country which doesn't have STANDARDS.


But the problem with drug tests are that you can't have had ANY marijuana in the past 30 days you get dinged.


Relating this to alcohol, yes, okay, I don't want people being drunk on the job, but I don't care if they got tanked last weekend. Punishing people for what they do in their leisure time is just lame. Drugs are illegal activity but not necessarily immoral. Those things are not the same thing.


And I agree on firing someone being high at work. But drug tests do not just test for being AT work.


I also think that marijuana is a PLANT, not a drug.


This is all very funny, because late in my last job, I found out my boss AND supervisor actually smoked pot! My supervisor invited a bunch of us out to have a toke, and my boss was there! I was pretty weirded out, but after that it was awesome!

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But the problem with drug tests are that you can't have had ANY marijuana in the past 30 days you get dinged.



False! There are so many products out there that make you pass a drug test. You can find them at ant tobacco/tobacco accessory store.


When I was 19 and in college I smoked a bit of pot. I needed a part time job (I think it was Starbucks) and they drug tested. My roomate told me to go to one of these stores on Haight Street that sell pipes/cigars etc. and get this stuff you drink to pass. There are tons of them out there, it's basically a bottle of green powder, you fill it with water and drink it the specified amount of time before your drug test, it even guarantees passing results or your money back :laugh: Unless you're going in to the service or something these basic employment drug tests are bs and super easy to pass. I passed mine, no biggie.


Sorry if someone already mentioned this I didn't read past the 1st page.

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Drugs are illegal, those people still have to drive to work usually, I don't want potheads driving to work while I'm out there. I don't want some pothead who couldn't correctly stack boxes because he was high working at the grocery store because it could fall on me.

Drugs are illegal activity, we don't want immoral people out there working. If you don't like it, move away from the good ole U S of A to a country which doesn't have STANDARDS.



Funnily enough, one of the professions that DOESN'T get drug tested in the UK (a country with STANDARDS) is the medical profession. I have met PLENTY of medical professionals who are recreational drug users and statistically, alcohol abuse is very prevalent within health professions.


I am not condoning it necessarily, but its out there, and not as obvious as you may think.


Its unlikely that you as a patient would be able to tell if your doctor was a recreational drug user but then again they may not be able to reach you up on that high horse of yours.


It would stand to reason that the medical council probably advise the government/ industries that DO test for drugs, but its ironic that they don't apply the test to their own industry-perhaps they suspect that if they did drug tests they would lose a large part of their workforce.

A little bit like the financial sector- the City of London/ Wall St districts are awash with cocaine and heavy alcohol use, and these people control the worlds stock markets...


Again, I am not condoning it, but many people doing important jobs still manage to do them despite their recreational habits.

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