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Starting to like my new friend (kinda of lengthy)

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I could use so helpful advice or anything you guys have to say please feel free to say anything I can handle the truth, let me just fill you all in first because I think I could have a shot with her but I want your guys opinions. (I’m 18 senior) (Andrea’s 17 junior)


So these past few months have gone and past by and I gave up on chasing an old crush because I was only leading myself to getting hurting if I continued. I missed so much in life by just staying pinned on her, well where to begin I met this girl Andrea last summer though I had no clue who she was or anything at my youth group. Let’s fast forward to like January, okay so I’m outside my church waiting for the bathroom for like 8 minutes when out comes this girl who looked familiar from a year ago. So we chatted a bit then she went back inside, then this I found strange well I walk to the front of the church and like while I’m there long behold Andrea finds me and in my mind I’m like whoa how did you find me I didn’t say I was going to be here. Well to me that seemed like I gave a good first real impression if she came looking for me.


So in the same month I believe, I show up to youth group a few minutes late when my mom notices Andrea’s sister like poke her and points and me like so much to her and I don’t remember what she did or said to her younger sister. That there I guess can mean that she’s into me but I’m really not to sure, so February comes along and the youth group has a trip to LA for LA congress and youth day. That day we get there Thursday I start too actually like her a lot, because we’ve been talking and hanging at youth group. Well next day Friday at Disneyland I have to chaperone a group and little do I know it’s a group of 4 and who just happens to be in it but Andrea. Well I do my best at trying to flirt and get close to her, I’m not to sure how that worked.Fast forward to this month to about yesterday I met her in the same first spot I ever met her and we talked even longer this time. It was a great talk for about 10 or so minutes a little into the conversation I bring up prom and ask her if she would go with me to my prom. It sounded like a complete yes, the only thing she is worried about is her when her prom is so when we find out were going to go from there. Oh forgot one little thing that well she has a bf but she says that in her relationship that she is always lonely and that it’s getting worse and it might not work out anymore so that’s why I think I might have a shot with her.


I’m planning on making prom night really special and planning on getting to really get to know her more until May 10 comes along and its time for prom. Well sorry for the lengthiness what do you guys think about this whole thing, do I have a shot with Andrea or what I’d like some advice and anything will be helpful and appreciated. Thanks in advanced.I really like to hear from some people whether or not i stand a chance or not so please any advice i would really like from anyone.=]

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Hey just a little Update as of today Andrea is actually single now but she is crushing on someone.I told my friend this and she was like well how do you know it isn't you she's crushing on it might be you.Do you guys think i should head for this chance that just opened up even though it may not be me that she is crushing on.If anyone has a some what similar story would you mind sharing what you did in that situation.


Can anyone give me some advice because i really want to be with her shes probably the most amazing girl i have ever started to like.


So yeah please give any advice or your thoughts on my situation.thanks in advance.:)

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