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Is she using me?

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Rise Against

There is this girl that I have developed feelings and we're friends, but my question to note is that whether she is using me or not. Sometimes, she would randomly just throw out a topic and talk to you, or she might touch you on the face or shoulder, ask you what's wrong, laugh with you, etc. However, I feel that, in most cases, she really wants to be friends is for me to help her on math or something like that. She would be like what's the answer to this or how did you do it? Likewise, I miss all those times we use to have really good conversations about a good topic or something, and as well as going out with her and her friends. LoL, It sometimes makes me feel jealous when she talks about cool things with another guy because I miss that so much :(. So what should I do? Or what should I think? Thanks

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If she is talking cool stuff with other guys well you've just entered the friendzone.


You can be more agressive and start entering her zone. You touch her, you enter her space. Start doing your own things and don't always help her when she asks for help. Try taking her out on dates (dancing or water park) instead of following her and her friends.

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Rise Against

The thing is that she has been my friend for a while, I just want to know if she is using me.

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Before I can answer your question we have to clear a few things up.Yes she asks you for help with math and yes she talks about cool stuff with other guys.But here's the big question does she only talk to you when she needs something? And is she only touchy feely with you in private? again when she needs something.When you are out with her and her friends are you still "serving a purpose"? What I mean by that is are you paying for her tickets, meals etc. If you two are "just friends" you shouldn't be paying her way all the time. If your answers to these questions are yes,then chances are she's using you.

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People get used because you let them. If you want acceptance from her, pay for dinner, always talk to her when she calls and be there for her; these are signs of neediness. She may be using you but you have not let her know it is not acceptable. If you tell her how you feel and she ends the friendship then she was using you.

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People get used because you let them. If you want acceptance from her, pay for dinner, always talk to her when she calls and be there for her; these are signs of neediness. She may be using you but you have not let her know it is not acceptable. If you tell her how you feel and she ends the friendship then she was using you.


I must agree.

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its like yamaha said, if you get used its because you made it that situation. If you want something more the fact that she needs math help from you is a perfect situation for you to make a romantic move

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