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should I tell him?

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so as I said before I like my best friend, I've known him for 8yrs, and we went to HS together.To make a long story short, we did get intamate.

I have really intense feelings for him, and he knows about them, he even knew before we got intamate together.. However, I havent been able to tell him that I have fallen in love with him I have known for a while, and I really care for him, and really love him. I worry about him all the time cause he is deployed often. (he's in the navy. proudly serving :) ) and he knows cause I have told him. So I was wondering if I should tell him how I really feel and risk having my heart tore to shreds with his reaction, I mean I have no idea how he'll react, adn I'm very scared....or should I wait till I go visit him in the UK (where he's stationed) to tell him in person?

He is very provacative when we talk either on the phone, or in email, as am I too. I guess what I want to really know is , should I expect to get even more intamate with him? and IF anything does happen, should I tell him how I really feel? OR should I just let my feelings go and wait to see what happens between us?

I'm so confused I dont know what to do. I mean if he liked me that way, I'd want him to tell me, but I'm not a guy (clearly). I just dont want to push him away, or even have him hate me for how I feel about him, and even more I dont want to have this strain on our friendship. Can someone give me advise? I think I really need it...please!:confused:

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Has he made it obvious that he likes you back? Do you get the vibe that he does?


I think that if you really like a person, you should make an effort to at least make your feelings known despite what the outcome may be, because at least in the future there will be no regrets. In your situation especially, I think that if you decide not to tell him, there will always be that "what-if" nagging at you. And your friendship will still be strained because you have these feelings for him.


Tell him in person how you feel. The worst that can happen is he rejects you, but he'll still wants to be friends, and you'll know your answer and be able to move on. But if he reciprocates all the better.

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