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Unsure of things..

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Hey I'm new to these forums, I usually don't post in these types of forums but I felt like I need some people to help me out and this seems like the best place for this kind of topic.


Alright so here is my situation:

Ever since the beginning of school/ end of summer I've been liking/ in love with this one girl. Now it's not the kinda of liking where I date her then see an even more hot girl and dump the old one for the new one. I like her a lot because of how amazing she is to me and how beautiful she is. I originally started talking to her with a simple "Hi" and stuff but now she sits next to me in one of my classes so I've been starting to talk to her more. I get this feeling that I should really be with her but I'm not sure what I should do. I have told some of my friends that I liker her and one of them told her.. I later heard that she would probably say "Yes" to me but I'm not sure how reliable that information is. I really want to ask her to be my girlfriend or to just go on a date with me or with a group if shes uncomfortable with just the two of us.


Now here is the second thing, if she does say "Yes"... Should I start walking with her and everything or just wait until like a week or so/whenever is "right".


Okay thanks for any help. Please no bashful comments, it's been a while since I've ever asked anyone out. Thanks in advanced.

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