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Interested....or not?

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I met this really sweet guy a few months ago, but we really began to interact only in the past week and a half. We see each other in a weekly meeting, but other than that there hasn’t been any interaction…until earlier this week.


He was very persistent in trying to get my phone number, which I gave to him and he preceded to text me quite often (my friends agreed that they were definitely flirty). He also called once, but I was unable to answer, so not wanting to hurt his feelings, I returned his phone call and it consisted of a really awkward pause…not good. I was really embarrassed, but he texted me right afterwards and said that he was sorry and was caught in traffic so he hadn’t been able to focus. It was a little uncomfortable after that but I text messaged him the next day and we seemed to go back to our regular messages. However, I’m really tired of just text messaging- I’d really like him to ask me out somewhere. Today, he texted to let me know that he was going to go eat and I honestly expected him to ask me if I wanted to go along. But….nope.


He seems very sweet and I’d really like to get to know him better, but I’m not sure if he’s interested or not. This text messaging without person to person interaction isn’t good and I don’t want it to go on. I don’t want to completely throw myself at him if he’s trying to brush off, but I’d really like to make sure that he knows I’m interested. Am I wasting my time here or should I wait it out a little longer? Could he just be shy or does he just see me as a friend?

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Not interested (in a mature way anyway) and I would presume the type of personality that you would not normally be attracted to.


Trust me, I'm shy and, if a woman I like calls me, I have no problem talking to her. If he really was in traffic, he could've just said he was and asked to call you back.

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I think differently about the situation.


if he wasnt interested... why was he persistent about getting your digits? why does he txt you constantly? why is he flirty? I believe he is shy and not really certain what to do.


may be throw the guy a bone. call him or txt and just casually ask why he hasnt asked you out. You know it is the 21st century and I'm sure I'll get verbally bashed for even saying this, you ask him to coffee or sumthin. I mean, it seems to me like you like the guy... and you want to explore further. So why not???

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I think their attraction styles are at odds. Yes, she could be proactive and he might come around and gain confidence (if he's interested), but his style (which she's seeing now) is ingrained and unlikely to change markedly. If she is interested in just having some fun with someone she's interested in, IMO, go for it. If interested in something more long-term, hmm, likely not. Happy to be wrong :)

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