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Confusing Girl. Does she really like me more than a friend?

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I met this girl at college last semester.

Throughout the semester, she seemd to be really interested at me. She touched me often when she wanted to speak to me, she also checks me out often. We have the same major and she told me that she said that "maybe we could take classes together". She seems nervous yet sweet everytime she talks to me. She even asked for my number and email address, (but this was something to do with school). After the finals (last day of class), I asked her for her phone number and email and she gave it to me.We walked and talked together outside heading to the parking garage.


After that, We have been exchanging emails this summer about school and talked about stuff that we might do fun for the summer. I told her that maybe she would like to play tennis with me. She said yes but she doesn't have a racket(email). I tried calling her (total of 3 times in 3 weeks) since I did not want to use email 100% of the time. Her mom always answers the phone and she says that she isn't home. So I stopped calling her and I emailed her instead. I told her to call me. She said that she will call me (email). But she still didn't call me until later.


She told me about friendster (email). And so I joined the site. At the site I find out that she has a boyfriend. On their testimonials and stuff, she says that both of them are in love and all of that stuff. Funny thing is her boyfriend has the same first name as mine.



Okay, then she emails me if I still want to play tennis. I said that I only have one racket, and If you have one then we could play tennis. She said that she will try to get one. Then, She emailed me to go to this meeting at school for our major. She finally called me (sunday) after a month or so to remind me about the meeting and to say good luck to my final (i am taking summer class). I went to the meeting yesterday and finally saw her after 2 months of not seeing her. She looks hot, by the way =). We talked after the meeting, (oh yeah, we are taking the same classes next sem) and we walked outside. She told me that her mom dropped her off and she has to call her to pick her up. So then I told her that I can take her home. She said in her sweet voice "really?". I said sure, no problem. In my mind i'm all like "this seems like she planned this all out".


We talked in the car, and when I finally got to her house, I noticed that she didn't want to leave the car immediately. So we continued our conversation. I was thinking about kissing her in the car but it seemed too awkward. She told me that we should go out sometimes and do something fun since she is bored most of the time at home. So today, I emailed her if she would like to go the the park with me. still waiting for a reply.


SO what do you think? Does she really like me more than a friend? Is her relationship with her boyfriend in jeopardy? Or she just trying to use me to get better grades in class (i'm no genius, but my overall grade for the class we took is slightly higher than hers). And another thing, at friendster she and her boyfriend doesn't have a real picture of their faces. But the testimonials seem to say that her boyfriend is a real person. On the testimonials, her boyfriend doesn't have an occupation, parties a lot, sleeps in class, practically opposite of me.



help me out!!!

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ok, im going to say this nicely, SHE HAS A BOYFRIEND. do not make a move, come on now. if you made a move and she kissed you- do you know that if yall get together she can do that same thing to you, with another guy. "if they can do it with you, they can do it to you".

you need to get away from her, she has a man....goodness. or maybe just ask her straight up???

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I would highly recommend asking her about her boyfriend. If she does have one, she likes you as a friend. If the friendster thing was a joke.....

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still don't know what to do.


If I ask her about her boyfriend, and if she says she just likes me as a friend, that might ruin our friendship.

I don't want to ruin our friendship, we are taking the same classes next semester. We are graduating about the same time.



Should I just wait and see what happens next?

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If I were you, I would not make a move yet. Just the both of you should hang out together and you will find out more and more information about her. Don't make a move on her when you know she has a boyfriend. Even if it is in jepordy, I would still wait.


I could see that she is interested in you just with her wanting to get together and whathave you. Definitly keep intouch by email and see where it leads, and make sure to make plans with her before school starts up again. Wait to see what happens with the both of you, and do everything in your power to see her this summer. Nothing steady or anything, but see what kind of person she is and figure out if she is totally digging you for the right reasons, which I think she is.


But, make sure you do not make a move, when she is invovled with someone. Even if you have the urge and you find her so irresitable, make sure you control yourself. Take care and good luck to you. Hope this helps.

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I would simply tiptoe around the subject. Mention the fact that you saw on her message board about her boyfriend. Simply ask her how the two of them are getting along, making sure not to sound as if you are prying.


That way there, you can tell for sure if she really has one or if she is just trying to look cool on the internet.


That's my advice to ya.


Good luck

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why are you pursuing a woman who has a bf????????????!!!!!?


major no-no, respect the fact she has a bf, regardless of what YOU think is good for her. so what if he's not working maybe he's looking for a job etc, maybe he's a graduate or something and looking for a specific job thats hard to find......



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