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how can I get a girlfriend?

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I'm a sophmore and I cant seem to get a girlfriend. I try but everytime something goes wrong, I just do something stupid or say the wrong thing. I want to try to be better at this, but I need some help. People keep telling me that I just cant find the right girl but I just dont know anymore,

somebody please help me!

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I would start by looking at the guys who are getting all the girls. What is different about them from you? Do they dress differently? Are they into sports (or some other thing that gives social value)? Do they have a healthy appearance (they work out, keep fit)? Are they confident in themselves?


Instead of looking at the girls at this point, look at the guys they are flocking to. See if there are any improvements you can make in yourself to make you appear to be one of these guys. Then work on your mindset - you have to be confident, unafraid to f*ck up once in a while. You know what the guys like that do when they f*ck up? They think "its her loss" and move on to the next girl.


The outside is important - no mistake about it. It is how you dress, who you associate with, what you do, etc. While looks are important, they aren't everything - you can improve yourself in other ways to compensate. But... the inside is the most important. You have to be confident, you have to carry yourself like you are confident (in your body language), and above all you have to like yourself enough that you don't judge your worth on what a girl thinks of you.


So, lets start - what can you do to give yourself the appearance of the guys who are getting all the girls? What can you do to give yourself that mindset?

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