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GF Cheated When Drunk

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My girlfriend and I have dated for a three years, since we were 15 actually. But she normally tells me when she drinks, because i choose not to. However, the other night, she and two of her girlfriends drank, and after they left, she was home alone, she called me and said she wasn't feeling well, but she never told me she drank, she actually lied at the time and said she wasn't drinking that night. So she said she was going to bed and then called me again at 2:30 that morning, apologizing about hurting my feelings, and saying she loved me and was sorry for anything she ever did. I told her it was fine, and to go to bed.

The next morning, I heard from one of her friends that was there, they were drinking, so i called my GF up, and we met up, and she told me what really happened, how they drank, and i asked her, "I hope you didn't do anything stupid like call that guy (Who had tried hooking up with her before, but failed.) when you were drunk." And she said she didn't. Then, later that day, i met up with the guy, and some of his friends, and he told me, "You need to keep your girlfriend on a leash." When i asked why, he told me, she constantly txted him asking him to come over, and he claimed he didn't.

So i called her up, and asked her what REALLY happened, she said she wanted to talk in person. So we met up, and she told me this. After she got off the phone with me the first time, she was scared i would be mad at her for lying about drinking, so she called some of her friends for help, and finally that Guy. He came over, and sat with her and talked for a while, then he kissed her, and they started making out, and he tried to finger her, and she stopped him, and then he said he should leave, and he did. She then called me (At 2:30).

After hearing this, i immediately wanted to leave her, but i sort of felt sorry, she was crying, and she was defiantly taken advantage of because she was drunk, and he wasn't. So we're trying to prove the guy wrong because he claims nothing happened when i confronted him.


What should I do?

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Heys hun, we can't make your mind up for you i'm afraid chick. You need to ask yourself....


1, If you break up with her could you live with that decision move on to new places afresh...or would you regret it constantly thinking 'what if'?


2, If you stay with her never fully knowing fact for fact what happened...could you eventually forgive her and trust her...put it in the past and leave it there?


Good luck

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Let me get this straight. She calls you and tells you she loves you but did not want to tell you she was drinking at 2am in the morning. She then calls another guy to come over and at the very least they make out?....Oh please. She deliberately played you for a fool. She calls another guy to come over in the middle of the night. The chances are pretty good they had sex and I think you know this. She then lied to you about it.


Why in the world would you wish to be with someone who would do this to you? You know she is a drinker and will call another guy to come over in the middle of the night to be with her. You have real problems if you wish to settle for this. I wish you luck.

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After she got off the phone with me the first time, she was scared i would be mad at her for lying about drinking, so she called some of her friends for help, and finally that Guy. He came over, and sat with her and talked for a while, then he kissed her, and they started making out, and he tried to finger her, and she stopped him, and then he said he should leave, and he did. She then called me (At 2:30).

After hearing this, i immediately wanted to leave her, but i sort of felt sorry, she was crying, and she was defiantly taken advantage of because she was drunk, and he wasn't. So we're trying to prove the guy wrong because he claims nothing happened when i confronted him.


Oh my.. talk about being blinded by love.. geezzz..


So she got scared that you would be mad because she drank.. so instead, she called this guy who was trying to hook up with her.. (wise choice :laugh:).. then she makes out with him (she knew that ;)) and then she called you and kept on lying... :rolleyes:


and you feel sorry for her.. well keep up the good work.. she'll be taken advantage every time she'll drink.. :laugh::rolleyes:

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When you take her back and I say WHEN because your so damned loved-struck; kiss any dignity and/or respect you may have with her goodbye.

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Sorry man. She played you. "She was drunk" is no excuse for her texting the guy to come over. Why did she even let the kissing escalade to anything more serious than a peck and then denying him? It is good that she stopped it when she did, but still..

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i'm totally in agreement w/ rex man. don't do it.. i took a girl back once, who did crap like that, christ she all but used me for a doormat. have some pride, and dig deep and forget her.

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Does she have an older sister? If she does, dump her and then sleep with her sister, that should cause a domestic and cause her an unnecessary embarrassment, the same embarrassment she has no doubt inflicted upon you.


You gotta fight fire with fire man and create a larger fire and that way you win.

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they say drink is like a truth drug so i dont think the whole 'i was drunk thing' really cuts it, by the sounds of things you are both young and need to go out and enjoy yourselves... as much as you sound head over heels in love with this girl i really dont think she sounds ready for any kind of commitment with you, if you take her back now she knows she can probably get away with cheating again... even if she doesnt, every time she goes out drinking you will be questioning what she has got up to!!!

good luck with whatever you decide.

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Sal Paradise

The only person being taken advantage of is you. She wasn't taken advantage. She wanted to make out with that guy and fool around. Don't be suprised if you find out later that she actually slept with him and even if she didn't so what. She can't be trusted so if I were you I'd dump her.


You're young, don't waste your youth on someone who isn't worth it. She definately isn't worth wasting another day with.

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