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Am i Crazy?

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I've known this girl for about 3-4 years....First time i saw her and hung out with instantly i knew i liked her....our personalities just clicked. I know she has feelings for me from previous experiences. She came down one time and stayed with me for awhile and my dad approached her about talking to her dad (her dad and my dad are friends) which she hasnt in quit awhile and yea she has her reasons and i understand that.


well she kind of got bitter towards my dad for doing that and said a few things and i just let it slide..and it didnt really come up..and we just went on as really good friends since she had a bf and was 3 hours away..


recently she called and wanted to talk to my dad and ask him for her dads address because she was going to write him...well he wasnt home and i questioned her on how she could dislike my dad so much but ask him for a favor? and my dad isnt to fond of her either cause he went to talk to her and she hung up the phone on him...well she then asked me to call her dad and i was going but before i hung up from her i questioned her about why she thinks my dad should do anything for her when she hung up on him...It wasnt anything harsh and i said it a spiffy manner so i wasnt mean because i cared for her so much....anyway she kinda started cryign and goes thanx for understanding and hung up on me.. what im thinking is that when she doesnt like to hear something she just hangs up...and to me that isnt right....and i havent talked to her since....



i have alot of feelings for her and would hope someday we could be together but now i dont know if i should call her? and if i call her what should i say?? Im thinking about calling her to talk to her about it, since we can talk so well (normally) but like i said i dont know what to say and im just confused or maybe im stupid i dont know..

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Sounds like she has a lot of head problems. People who won't discuss problems or issues but rather run away...or even worse, rudely hang up on you...aren't worth the trouble of keeping in your life.


Don't call her, let her call you. When she does, be firm and let her know you prefer friends who will discuss issues rather than hang up on you. She will then hang up on you again at which time you should dump her. Take it from experience, life is way too short to put up with this kind if crap.

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No, you seem to be the only reasonable one there!

I would have originally said don't get in the middle of it, but since you already commented to her on the phone if she ldoesn't like your dad, why ask for his help- you kinda did.

But that's OK, you said what you felt and that is important. It just sounds as though you almost regret saying it. You shouldn't- she has to be aware that is your father and you seem to have no probs with him. She is lucky enough to have a parental figure offering some advice. Really your father should stay out of those situations, a problem obviously exists and having a third party come in and say get over it will never help make anyone feel better.

I speak from experince, I haven't spoke to my mother in almost 5 years. She is vicious person and did some horrible things when I was younger, so I prefer to not have her in my life. Your friend may or not feel the same way, but bascically her realtionship with you has nothing to do her relationship with her father. If she wants to discuss her problems with your father, lend an ear, but don't say negative things or pick sides.

In all honesty, she loves her father and will resent hearing negative things. As far as calling, sure go for it- let some time pass so her hurt feeling aren't so fresh and she will probably be ready to here from you. Just don't let her control you- girls are funny that way. We act like we want someone to be at our every whim, but really we can't stand that!!!

:) Good luck!

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