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I think I am being very jealous.







My boyfriend does sides jobs every now and then.




This time it is at a store two women own. I only know what he tells me. And he told me they were ordering lunch today and he ordered something as well and they ate it at the store. So obviously, they ate it together




I don't know why but i just felt very jealous and was wondering their age and how old they are. ..Obviously wondering if they were good looking etc.




I didn't ask my boyfriend because I would sound very jealous...it's crazy and insecure to feel this way about a situation like this isn't it???

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That does sound pretty insecure, but if it's early in the relationship or he has given you reason before to mistrust him I can understand. I would hold off on pressing the issue otherwise, but maybe find a pleasant way to introduce yourself (pick up lunch for them one day) to feel out the situation if it will put your mind at ease.

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