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Hi. I'm going to need some help with this one. My girlfriend who I have been dating for some time now is becoming annoying and we always get into fights over the smallest things. For instance, today she put me on hold for a while and I hung up tired of waiting. She called me back and the whole thing turned into this blown out fight. I don't know what I should do. It was both of our faults. It used to be different. We don't do any of the stuff we used to like going out or trying to impress each other with things we wear. We've become almost too familiar, and I'm only seventeen years old. She is two years younger. I'll be leaving for college soon, but I won't be far. Within an hour's drive. I know things are going to change alot for us, but I'm not sure if it is really worth all of the pain. I would love to have some input. Thank you.





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Hey Harley, it's Michelle. As Sarah was typing, I was dispensing many pearls of wisdom which she chose to overlook. So...you already know that I think you 2 should take a break. Time to cool off and think things through. Every relationship goes thu its ups and downs whether its in the beginnign off the relatiojnship or two years into it. If you feel the relationship is really worth saving and you trule love her, then definetely try to make it work. Talk things thru and she how she feels. Think about it and if it seems reasonable enuf, try to comply just a little. And then there are other times where breaking up and going your seperate wats is the best thing to do. Of course, it's going to be SO hard in the beginning, but after a while, sometimes a LONG while, you realize it was for the best. You may end up hurting more staying in the relationship than not. But like I said, if it's just petty little things you are fighting over than they shouldn't be too hard to work out. AS for the soul mated thing, hun, you're only 17, don't be thinking about soulmates just quite yet. Just try to enjoy the relationship while you're in it and see where it goes. Well, that's all the wisdom I can dispense for the moment. Hope I could be of any help.





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Hi. I'm going to need some help with this one. My girlfriend who I have been dating for some time now is becoming annoying and we always get into fights over the smallest things. For instance, today she put me on hold for a while and I hung up tired of waiting. She called me back and the whole thing turned into this blown out fight. I don't know what I should do. It was both of our faults. It used to be different. We don't do any of the stuff we used to like going out or trying to impress each other with things we wear. We've become almost too familiar, and I'm only seventeen years old. She is two years younger. I'll be leaving for college soon, but I won't be far. Within an hour's drive. I know things are going to change alot for us, but I'm not sure if it is really worth all of the pain. I would love to have some input. Thank you. Sincerely -Harley

ok, you want a friendly piece of advice?? you are young and you have so much time to deal with women and whomever else you want to deal with. When I was your age i made the same mistake of getting involved in a serious relationship. And i say "mistake" because that's exactly what it was. You should be out with your friends having the most fun you can have. You should be out dating and not be committed to just one girl. (Don't ever lie about it though!! That wouldn't be right either!)


At this point in your life you should really just date and find out what the world has to offer. Once you make a committment, believe me, you're stuck with that person. And at your age I'm sure you're not thinking "hey, i want to settle down. I need a wife and kids!"


That's probably the furthest from your mind. So, in closing, I hope that I was of some assistance to you. Good luck, have fun, and be safe!

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My younger brother(18 years old)has the same feelings with his girlfriend, which is two years younger. You're both just starting to understand relationships. My advise to you is to be friends for now and enjoy your youth. I was with my high school sweetheart for tens years, which included marriage and divorce. Now at 30 yrs. old, I feel we never got to know ourselves before knowing others. Enjoy your younger days.



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Hi. I'm going to need some help with this one. My girlfriend who I have been dating for some time now is becoming annoying and we always get into fights over the smallest things. For instance, today she put me on hold for a while and I hung up tired of waiting. She called me back and the whole thing turned into this blown out fight. I don't know what I should do. It was both of our faults. It used to be different. We don't do any of the stuff we used to like going out or trying to impress each other with things we wear. We've become almost too familiar, and I'm only seventeen years old. She is two years younger. I'll be leaving for college soon, but I won't be far. Within an hour's drive. I know things are going to change alot for us, but I'm not sure if it is really worth all of the pain. I would love to have some input. Thank you. Sincerely -Harley




If you are annoyed at all with the things she does, then you are not in love with her. Seventeen is too young to commit to one person unless you are in love. Use this time to go out and have fun. Meet different people and have fun dating. You can still drive back and forth and go out with this girl also. But don't limit yourself to just one girl at a time. If and when you fall in love, you will know it.

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