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i don't know what to do


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i'm 18 years old, and my boyfriend is 20. we've been living together for 9 months, dating for a little over a year, and been friends for over 3 years. i know most people say that's too young, but the reason i moved in with him is because i couldn't stay at home... whch is another story altogether...

my problem is that sometimes we're so happy with one another, and just can't get enough of one another; then sometimes we can't stand each other... i know this sounds typical, but just hear me out...

i know that every relationship has its ups and downs, but it seems like lately we've been having less ups and more downs. like we'll be so happy with each other one day, and maybe even for a few days after that, but then for what seems like no reason, we'll just get in a fight or give each other the cold shoulder.

sometimes i wonder if he's resentful of me, because i keep him from being able to look at porn or date other women or something... i'm really starting to wonder if he'd rather be single and getting as much as he can, but just keeping me around because i'm a sure thing, y'know? if anyone has any ideas or a similar story, please share them. thanks.

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You live with a guy and keep him from dating other women and looking at porn? You've got a lot of nerve!!!


Both of you are young and, unfortunately, it sounds like you're sort of forced to be with this guy out of necessity. He's very young and still has a lot of growing up to do. Your best bet is to take his moods more lightly and not to engage him. Just let him get pissed at the stupid crap he does and let it roll right past you. Don't do anything to make him angry but don't become a part of his drama.


The two of you have come from very different backgrounds and it could take some time and work to be able to have a more predictable, stable relationship. He probably isn't Mr. Right for you, doesn't sound like it. Hopefully, one day you'll be able to move out on your own and date around. There are guys who don't act as unstable as this guy.

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