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How do you tell some one that you like them?

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I don't really know what to do, there is this guy that has come up for the summer, he used to live here, I really really like him but I don't know how to say, he is two years older but we talk and have fun. But I would really like to go on a date with him, what should I do?

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How do you tell some one that you like them? the thing is he is only staying for a while, but then leaving again, he has made out a person i know and I really really like him but don't know how to say. He is two years older, and I am speechless.

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I wish I could give you the best solution here. Best thing to do would be to pry around and try to find something he likes, example if he likes baseball pretend to like it and say you've been wanting to go to a game all season but haven't had the chance and all of your friends work crazy hours so you have noone to go with.


He very well could pick up on the hint, and like the fact that you like something he likes and invite you to the game. This worked on me in the past, pretty sure it's universal Rosey.


From there, you go to the game, movie be that as it may, and you just talk to the guy the whole time get to know him stuff you know maybe some harmless flirting....slap him in the arm if he says some korny joke trying to get you to laugh.


This stuff worked on me in the past, I am sure it would work on him.


Good luck with the guy Rosey! Let us know what happens

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Invite him to dinner, to a movie, on a picnic at a park, to take a walk or whatever. You invite him to do something. If he enjoys himself, he'll then ask you. He may just be very shy or unsure if you would be interested in doing something with him. So YOU take the lead. It's OK to do. If he doesn't respond positively, poop on him.

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