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someone please help, My wife left me about one month ago taking my little baby with her(we was only married 8 months but we had a few problems and rather than work through them my wife left) ever since she left i have been suffering from severe depression i cant eat sleep or function propely,


I have tried to work things out with my wife i.e sending her flowres calling her and telling her i love and miss her but I think it really is over and this i cant cope with. I miss my wife and child so much i'm allway crying and every time I pick my child up and i see my wife it breaks my heart and taking my child back to her is like taking my heart out every time i dont know how much longer i can take it, I am considering just walking away and moving far away I know i will still feel the same but I wont have the agony of seeing them both as this really is killing me but I dont want it to look like I dont care because I really do I dont want to come across as someone who doesn't care because I have tried everything to win her back and I really love them both They are my world I hope someone can help me with this.

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