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7 days......broke a bunch of times last month, made me feel like dirt. She is sleeping with her best friend now..........at a college dorm partying, hasn't given me the time of day at all. I wake up feeling crummy with my heart in my stomach. I have bad dreams about further rejection. It has been so hard facing the pain!! That what this is Reality! It is so easy to call or text and email and make believe they are reading or listening to your thoughts and giving a Sh*&. What is really happenign is that they are rolling thier eyes, maybe lieing in bed with a new lover, maybe laughing at your pitiful attempts with a few friends. Keep your self-expression to your self. Paint, write, work out, join a ping pong club..........but whatever you do, keep NC and don't debase yourself for an uncaring A-hole. Thats what EX means............over...and done. You are unwanted here now. I loved you, NOW...........I don't. Every day that goes by that she doesn't call me or I don't talk to her my level of intensity grows and so does my determination and strength!

All of us here have to remember who we were before this person. Use this forum as your tool to fight this massive insecurity you have about your loss. It is a loss. Mourn it. If you see them out on the town smile. "Hello.............remember this smile?!" If you are here you were in love or at least felt it. Don't keep giving them that love. Give it back to yourself. Give it to someone who wants you! Someone does---and will, I can assure you of that.

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Day 6 of NC.


I still am sad and miss him but really I can do the NC.


I saw him online for the first time last night on this forum we both frequent.


That made me miss him more.


Reading his perpetual self-pity posts though reminded me how things really were.


This guy was on a constant self-pity party to gain attention.


I could be on my deathbed and he would be sitting on the edge of the bed whinging about how he pulled a muscle or how his computer crashed or the whole world is so unfair. :rolleyes:

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I am on day 9 today after breaking NC after almost three months. It really is NC forever from me this time. Breaking NC is just no good.

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Well I got to 7 days this time but tonight she texted me because she thought I would want to know that someone I vaguely knew had passed away. I texted back just three words "thats very sad x", so as not to seem rude. So do I have to start from scratch again...?


To tell you the truth this nc really does work, I do start to feel better after a few days.

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one week?! Confused about how to feel. Feel a bit invigorated. I want to feel better, and to feel confident, and to feel like me again.

I think about surprising her at her dorm room, or sending a package or message..."I miss You babe".......please talk to me....

It's all a sad blues song. I realize like isn't a movie.

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Not sure how many days? I totally didnt count this weekend at all! Thats kinda nice (doesn't mean I'm over him though... maybe just means I don't care if he contacts me or not?)... But I THINK im at um...5days?


Feelin' good! I have some sad moments, cried once on Friday but.. overall? Gettin' there. Met some cute boys this weekend, made new friends. I like it!

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Day 6, woo! Sometimes I miss him, but feelin' fine overall! Minus I caught a nasty head cold... arhghghghg emotional pain now physical painnnn rawrrrrrr

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I am new here.

I was on 4 days until yesterday. I broke down and called. I got the "I am happy and he is just a friend".


They say it takes 21 days to make something a habit.

So, I am setting a goal 21 days of NC....


Wish me luck....

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to long to remember

i'm only posting because i have nothing else to do.

i have a date i'm going on tomorrow, i guess i'm talking to myself as your no longer with me.


since u left, i had sex with 3 women in a 6 month period.


didn't like any of them, well the one who wanted me, she was not attractive, i'm shallow and superficial, didn't go for her. she was nice though.


the other 2, well one cut her hair, eww turn me off + we got into an argument and i sort of physically pushed her, things were never the same after that, she started to make me work for it.


she was rather smart, the smartest one i encountered so far.


the other well, we just couldn't connect. she's cool, i can dig her but the sex was not good, i only hit it once. she's pretty n all but not good in bed at all.. just sits there and does nothing, a dead **** i believe is what u call it.


hrm.. anyway this new girl, seems nice, i like her, she's pretty, not sure how smart she is, seems nice, not from the area though, and best of all she's single, i don't have to worry about her cheating on me when she's ready to leave.


thats about it

what are u doing anyway? haven't heard from you in a while, did you pass those stock exams? i wonder if you kept trying...


you know in the end, i was getting all these weird preminitions of us and how the future would turn out, what i saw was strange.


it turns out we are going to not talk to each other for a very long time.

sometime in the future, in about 8 years or so, i am going to run into you.

you'll be 29

i'll be 32


sad, we could of spent all that time together.

u know when u left, i had so much money in the bank, i was going to globe throat, i would of taken you with me, u would of seen france, and all those other exotic places u will never have a chance to visit.


u didn't know though, never knew what i had up my sleeve... i always suprised u, but i didn't know u were cheating on me, i didn't know that was the reason u were leaving, i didn't know..


if i ever do make it rich the way i want to, i'll come looking for you if i still remember you.

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over a week!!!


Not sure exactly how many days... 8? 9? I think 8. Its good!


The one thing I miss is sometimes when I was waiting alone by myself for... whatever, I'd call him up and chit chat to kill the minutes. Its just not the same with other people!


Otherwise though, times are going good. woowoo

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Day 5 NC :(


I'm starting to wonder if he abandoned our daughter, along with me as well. I can't help but think he's moved on with this teenie bopper gf of his and made him have amnesia. Who knows... I'm sticking to my guns, even how frickin hard it is, I'm NOT going to contact you. I miss u though...

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your post gave me goose bumps because of the eery simliarities.


im 33 now, you still have a few yrs to yet there.


keep stacking your chips. and date fine females.


however, a friend that knows me really well says, i bet you will be SIGNIFICANTLY happier in a relationship dating a 6.5 w/ deeper connections than a 9.0 that connects not so deep.




to long to remember

i'm only posting because i have nothing else to do.

i have a date i'm going on tomorrow, i guess i'm talking to myself as your no longer with me.


since u left, i had sex with 3 women in a 6 month period.


didn't like any of them, well the one who wanted me, she was not attractive, i'm shallow and superficial, didn't go for her. she was nice though.


the other 2, well one cut her hair, eww turn me off + we got into an argument and i sort of physically pushed her, things were never the same after that, she started to make me work for it.


she was rather smart, the smartest one i encountered so far.


the other well, we just couldn't connect. she's cool, i can dig her but the sex was not good, i only hit it once. she's pretty n all but not good in bed at all.. just sits there and does nothing, a dead **** i believe is what u call it.


hrm.. anyway this new girl, seems nice, i like her, she's pretty, not sure how smart she is, seems nice, not from the area though, and best of all she's single, i don't have to worry about her cheating on me when she's ready to leave.


thats about it

what are u doing anyway? haven't heard from you in a while, did you pass those stock exams? i wonder if you kept trying...


you know in the end, i was getting all these weird preminitions of us and how the future would turn out, what i saw was strange.


it turns out we are going to not talk to each other for a very long time.

sometime in the future, in about 8 years or so, i am going to run into you.

you'll be 29

i'll be 32


sad, we could of spent all that time together.

u know when u left, i had so much money in the bank, i was going to globe throat, i would of taken you with me, u would of seen france, and all those other exotic places u will never have a chance to visit.


u didn't know though, never knew what i had up my sleeve... i always suprised u, but i didn't know u were cheating on me, i didn't know that was the reason u were leaving, i didn't know..


if i ever do make it rich the way i want to, i'll come looking for you if i still remember you.

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I'm starting today- just under 16 months after the breakup (together for 9 years). Just sent the goodbye email an hour ago. Deep breath...

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On Day 8 NC for me, but you called twice last night and I didn't falter,

I held back and put my cell under my pillow on silent and pretended you weren't calling.

This is sooo very hard...

I wish he would just respect my space to get over him.

I know he's probably calling to ask about his daughter,

but I just need to be a little selfish right now because I'm going insane.

I miss him soooo much, I miss my best friend.

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How do you manage to do that? I am in a similar situation but she will not pick up the phone to let me know how my daughter is doing. Why don't you separate the two?


Just curious.


On Day 8 NC for me, but you called twice last night and I didn't falter,

I held back and put my cell under my pillow on silent and pretended you weren't calling.

This is sooo very hard...

I wish he would just respect my space to get over him.

I know he's probably calling to ask about his daughter,

but I just need to be a little selfish right now because I'm going insane.

I miss him soooo much, I miss my best friend.

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