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it has been 35 days uuuugggghhh! I will be glad when I stop thinking about his fine azz!!!

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Day one, would have been day 7, damn him. I don't overeat, or undereat haven't abused drugs or liquer, no. I go to the gym then sleep. Sweet sleep where nothing bad can get to me.

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Day 12!!! Wow, almost 2 weeks. Honestly, this is the longest I have gone without hearing from him at all. But it helps that his number is blocked through my phone company, and I closed all my other email accounts. He could try to email me here at work, but I already know he won't.


I can say that I do feel better....No more wondering and waiting, I'm moving on....I really don't care what he is thinking, to be honest, I don't want to know...makes it easier to think he could are less about me...

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