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14 days so proud of myself


2 1/2 weeks. I feel embarrassed that I ran after her like a fool. I feel angry as hell at myself for being such a sucker for someone who was having sex with someone else while I pined for her and told her how much I loved her on the phone. SHe kept me in limbo to see if it work out with this other guy then she ditched me. Where do i put this rage if i can't talk to her?

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TLB, old friend, it's time to stop counting.




I really don't count in the true sense of the word. I look at my previous NC count on this thread, then add the number of days past. I am not waking up everyday, and say, OMG it's day So and so. hehe If I was doing that, I'd probably have the check into the nearest Sanitation (I know it's Sanitarium. I just saw Scarface recently).


I like to bump this thread every now and again when it gets older. I guess one of these days I won't even care.


Thanks Kizik.


OOps forgot my count. 68 + 2 = 70.

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I would love to get to the point where I'm not counting anymore. Almost 2 months now. My previous NC's were meant to make him miss me and get him to call me. Now that too much has happened, I'm doing NC to find some semblance of peace and normalcy in my actions, my mind, my life. It's true that NC is about you and not to make the ex do something to win you.

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This is my first NC post on this forum. I have gone 2 measly days. We were together only a short time of maybe 2 1/2 months. Very turbulent, but life impacting. Ran into him today (as our paths sometimes cross thru work, but not often) and I had a small anxiety attack where the coffee cup I was holding I had to put down as it appeared obvious that my hands were shaking. I got thru it and did not email or text. This is very very hard for me as I love to communicate but realize that I have to let it go. Thanks to all the threads here......very helpful. I read Nofoolin's guide too.

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4+30+9=41,almost 6 weeks, the summer has gone, it's fall now;)


sorry, being the math geek I am, I had to correct this summation. 4 plus 30 plus 9 equals 43. I'm not OCD, just close to it.

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I just have to say.


Texting is about the weakest form of communication in the midst or aftermath of a breakup.


It is akin to a myspace comment or for that matter two branches falling from a tree to make a Gestalt type symbol connotating meaning.


If they are at all sincere then they would at the very least call you (leave a message) or give you the respect of a complete paragraph in letter form.


Don't fall for easy bait.


Underpants...you are so right....It is weak to send a f/cking text. I dont respond to text after we break up.....so so so lame!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Between day 1 and even making it to day 50...what's the diffrence anymore it's all hard.


I would be on day 42, but emailing him on day 3, him calling on day 12, emails on day 15 and 16th, seeing him on day 35 and the stupid text I sent and he didn't reply to yesterday...I am back to square one...20hrs and again counting NC...JOY!:rolleyes:


Everytime I pull away he wants me and everytime I think we are getting back to a good thing...he pulls away. Silly games and not helping my NC situation.:confused:


Good Luck to those being strong...send some of your strength my way...LOL.


That is torture!!! The only thing to do is stay away. YOu need to get stronger so you can thnk more clearly. This kind of stuff is unhealthy.

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Ruby Slippers

One month today since the breakup. Wow. Feels much longer and much shorter at the same time.

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Day 100!!!


Today is officially day 100 of my NC marathon. I'm really proud of myself that I haven't buckled and contacted the ex. I know that in the larger scheme of things, 100 days means very little. But for me, this has been a symbolic victory of sorts.


I'm going to celebrate today by treating myself to a nice dinner, some chocolate and a lovely stroll around the city exploring places I've never been before.

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Day 100!!!


Today is officially day 100 of my NC marathon. I'm really proud of myself that I haven't buckled and contacted the ex. I know that in the larger scheme of things, 100 days means very little. But for me, this has been a symbolic victory of sorts.


I'm going to celebrate today by treating myself to a nice dinner, some chocolate and a lovely stroll around the city exploring places I've never been before.


Congrats! Thats awesome! Nice call treating yourself to a stroll around the city - I LOVE that kind of thing!


As for me? NC is at day 1. Gasp! I broke contact last night, and as warned, got hurt. I also scraped some goodness out of the convo (that he isn't sure about his new girl 100%), but mostly it messed me up - hes with her after all, and not me, and he was being completely boring at me, while talking to her on aim. Rawrawrawrrrrrr

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At 10pm Eastern time tonight will be the first 24 hours. So far she has broken NC one time 5 hours after the 'official' break-up. I predict she will break it again tonight. I could be wrong.

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At 10pm Eastern time tonight will be the first 24 hours. So far she has broken NC one time 5 hours after the 'official' break-up. I predict she will break it again tonight. I could be wrong.



Where about in Michigan are you? Rochester Hills here.

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20 days or so. She called 3 times last weekend. I didn't answer.

I rule.

ur so lucky sysyphus...

I would do absolutely ANYTHING to go past 12 days NC, which is my longest,

but in my complicated situation, by force I HAVE TO STAY IN CONTACT WITH HIM coz of our daughter.

I wish I can go past 100 days...

I wish he would just stop playing with my head.

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3 days NC. So far, so good! Havn't had a relapse yet of... pure missing him. I think mostly because I'm done.


His brother in law and sister still keep contact with me. We don't talk about him, just their new baby and whats going on in life. We were pretty close throughout my relationship with my ex.


That makes me happy. When my ex and I broke up, I felt as though I was going to lose so many people I loved... as I am learning, being true to myself and always being the good person has given me the upper hand. His brother and law and sister appreciated me as a person and friend, and not as a girl dating a relative. Its nice.


Part of me is scared that talking to his family is dangerous. Does it break NC? I don't think so, since we don't talk about my ex, nor does he know I am talking to them. Talking to them does not hurt me, it only makes me cheerful, because they are such wonderful, sincere, people. Its as if I'm just a friend of theirs, and thats that.


Good times, good people. I hope this keeps up!

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