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I had a relapse. Had gone 3 days then i cracked. It was so pointless as i was ignored anyway :mad:


2 days. I'm want to get to 10. Then my next target will be 20. Then 30 etc. Once the first 10 are out of the way it should be easy...

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It is not easy. it sucks to let go of a "lost love". Dating helps.


Disappear. Vanish like a ninja. Once the first 10 is out of way it is still hard as hell.


I am at a month. She "cracked" and called(no voicemails)........I have not called her back because of SELF PRESERVATION!!!!

I am more important that some bootleg conversation with a girl who squashed my heart.

So are you man. S*** dude, I feel your pain. It is the worst getting dumped, no matter what age, no where you live, no matter what the situation.

USE this forum to your advantage, because thier is a wealth of wise advice here. AND SOME pretty strong people to help you through something that they went through themselves!

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so far Day 4 NC for me...but he's been calling almost every damn day...

it's not even about the baby and wanting to see her...

he's confusing the hell out of me.

saying **** he probably doesn't mean, or does he?

y is he doing this? GOD i'm going crazy...if I could just keep going NC.

If he really wants to see the baby, he knows what the plan is.

I don't need to be there, I don't need to talk to him on the phone or in person...

im not making sense...ugghh

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3.5 days and counting... Weekends are tough, much more free time to think about it, but the reward of getting through the weekend makes it extra worthwhile.


But i also realise that this free time is for ME :)

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25 days i would have broke if it wasn't for this forum

1 week NC

And yup! lol if it wasnt for these forums? totally would have cracked

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Broke the 1 week mark! Whew! I really feel like I'm going through withdrawal! Haha! Oh well, gotta keep trudging along, eventually I'll get used to not caring ;p

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Day 9 for me. Today it has hit me hardest,feel a bit down, maybe it is because the weekend is near. I have changed my number and blocked all forms of contact (e-mail...etc). This is what i want,i have no temptation or urge to contact her at all, she broke my heart one to many times. I do miss the idea and comfort zone of our relationship but i know deep down i'll look back at this chapter in my life and say...what the f#$k was i thinking...lol. Oh well, single ladies beware, tomorrow night i'm going to PARTY!!!!!!!


Return of the Mac

South Africa

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I know it is hard, i11, i know.


reset the counter?! 1 day!? This isn't a fun game. It is about your personal sanity and self-preservation. It is about your well-being and healing.


LS is a support system for coping, and we have all broken-----but you have to want this.

Being addicted to another person for your happiness is not a joke. It is a serious personality flaw and malfunction in our brain's inability to seperate ourselves from a previous union....to see ourselves as an invidual and have a positive self-image.


I am not being hard on you. I want to break NC so badly sometimes. Today was terrible! I called everyone for support! I posted a bunch of times on LS.


BUT seriously, thier is no reset for me. This isn't a fun NC game.


I need help,


I am going to concert on holloween that I really want to go to. I know my ex is going to be thier. Should I go?

Someone suggest that I break NC after 6 weeks to call her and "feel" out the situation?

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I am going to concert on holloween that I really want to go to. I know my ex is going to be thier. Should I go?

Someone suggest that I break NC after 6 weeks to call her and "feel" out the situation?


Go, don't talk to her, ignore her entirely, have fun. OR go somewhere else for holloween. Do not contact her. Its better to not go and not call than to go and get hurt. There are tons of parties on Halloween, you'll find something to do!

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4.5 months. Before that it was 9 months, but when he called I told him I couldn't be friends with him and he could call me if he wanted to get back together and take care of himself but otherwise it would hurt me too much to know him.

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