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Waiting for her


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I wouldn't necessarily call it giving up, but I'd just put the ball in her court. There's no reason to be entertaining ideas and waiting for her as long as she chooses to be involved with this emo kid. It's that simple, either she stays with him, or she breaks it off and you two can have something together, but not until that step is taken. If she's really afraid that this "emo kid" (God I hate that term with a passion) will go and do something stupid like hurting himself (*SIGH*), then it really doesn't sound like a relationship she wants to be in.


Also, don't be surprised if everything she's telling you isn't exactly the truth. She's playing a dangerous game, and ultimately, if you let her play you at this point, you'll have no one to blame but yourself. Trust me, I've been there, and I've chosen poorly before...

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Okay so here is the whole deal. In the fall me and my best friend at the time met this one girl. We both thought she was really cute and she thought we were both cute.



Awww....I get this vision of teddy bears dancing around on fluffly white pillows.



I kinda liked her a little but I had a gf at the time so i didnt really bother. My best friend at the time went after her and they ended up going out for a little more then 2 months. We talked and kind of got to know eachother when she was going out with him.


Ah, so basically, you didn't care enough for your gf to keep from getting closer to a girl your friend was already seeing.


Wanting what you can't have eh?...so you will try your damdest to get her...even if your friend is dating her?


Some friend......some boyfriend.



Then something happened between us and we werent really friends anymore. Then not to much later after that he dumped that one girl and spread all this crap about her and was really hurting her.


Could it be that this girl was playing you both, you decided to steal your friends girlfriend and it pissed him off?


I wouldn't want to stay friends with a guy that was trying to woo my girlfriend.



He would say she is prude and all this stuff but shes just the kind of girl who likes to take things slow and not jump right to sexual things, which she has only experinced once in her life from her ex that she was in love with. Anyway, me and her starting talking a lot more and became closer. We both liked each other.


And your girlfriend fits into to this how? Did you ever consider breaking up with her before trying to get with another girl?



I thought i was going to end up going out with her around that time. Then out of nowhere that ex that she was like in love with from a long time ago comes in the picture and asks her out and she couldnt hold herself back and gave in. She ended up going out with him for a month. During that month me and her were still growing closer to each other, and our feelings were still growing, but not quite enough.


Wow, some self-control you have there. Sounds like it doesn't matter how much she plays with you, or how fickle she is, you still want her for some odd reason. Are you letting your little head think for the big one?



She's talked about cheating on him with me. She said shes had dreams about her cheating on him with me and told me some of the details.



Wow, sounds like a classy gal.



I am just wondering, is it worth still playing the waiting game?


To wait on someone fickle that can't make up her mind who is cuter and that would no sooner cheat than simply grow up and break up with a boyfriend first? ya, I'd say she is a keeper :o:o




But I need an honest opinion, should I keep waiting or should I just give up? Any response would advice would be greatly appreciated :)


Well you wasted a friendship over this girl, she can't make up her mind which guy is hotter, and is willing to cheat.


If thats the kind of girl you want, then wait it out.


If you think you are better than to settle for a tart like that, then move on. Possibly try to rekindle the friendship you had with your bud and tell him no girl is worth screwing a good friend over for.


But something tells me your loins will lead you down the wrong path.

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I am kind of getting that vibe I am going down the wrong path but at the sametime I wanna wait. ugh. some new girl just needs to come along...

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Have you broken up with your current girlfriend yet? I think that would be a good place to starty.

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