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Something for the Poets.

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a fixed election

what else is new?

the lead must not be so grand

whats a socialist to do?


No idea

i agree

socialists must hide

the gap is wide


should be mocked


should be better than


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I wrote this little ditty a couple of years ago:

The Speed-Dating Party

12-30-2005, by KE6WNH

It was quite a while since I’d been on a date,

Up ‘til then, I was resigned to my fate.

I’d given up parties, and hanging with slobs

For a bachelor’s life: I was holding three jobs.

So I heard of speed dating, I’d give it a fling,

Maybe I’d get a chick under my wing.

That sure would be nice, just to break the routine,

So I bought some new duds, and was looking quite keen.

I got to the place, it was a small sleazy bar,

The stupid valet put a dent in my car.

Our disorganized hostess forgot half her notes,

A relief to the shills with forged tags on their coats!

She announced, “in five minutes, the party will start,

So listen up, don’t try to cheat or act smart.

Pick a number, and sit yourselves down at a table,

We’re going to do this as best as we’re able.”

First was a blonde who was soused to the gills.

She slurred to me “so, what do YOU do for thrills?”

I proceeeded to tell her, but as I sat there,

Her zombie kicked in: she fell out of her chair.

Next was a redhead who looked like a man.

She was beefy and burly, her skin was quite tan.

“What do you do?” she rasped, like she really should know.

“Because I chop down pine trees, way out in the snow.”

The next girl mustn’t have got many guys

With her Frankenstein hairdo and Dracula eyes.

She turned to me, asking if this was exciting,

But this monster-babe was anything but inviting.

Next was some outlandish chick from Japan,

All of eighteen---and she wanted a MAN?

The type she was seeking, she hadn’t a clue.

The way that she dressed, she belonged in a zoo.

The girl after that one just didn’t look right.

Her voice was a croak, and her face was a fright.

I though to myself, “am I out of my tree?

Or is this girl in front of me, really a he?”

With the last girl, I couldn’t even communicate.

She’d already passed out, with her face in her plate.

Couldn’t tell what she looked like, but she must’ve had taste,

As she slept so sweetly in her tomato paste.

At the end of the farce, our hostess was happy.

“You got what you came for, so stop looking sappy!

You all wanted to date, quick as a dash,

But I’m going to leave here, with most of your cash.”

So, I tried on speed-dating, if nothing for size.

I’m older, I’m poorer, still lonesome---but wise.

Save your money, or go to the fair for a thrill.

‘Cause speed-dating’s no more than a crooked cash-mill.

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two women here

a bird and a goddess

who needs porn?

a threesome! its obvious!

you still need some cleansing, wolf :p

Head knowledge is very different from heart knowledge

Reading is different from knowing

If you know this

Then do you play "bad" intentionally? Why?

Some of your talks show you have that seed inside

That seed would grow and shine through

Has you been born again?

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Milfs what are they?

That sounds very gay

What kind of game does wolf play:laugh:

I better stay away.



if you don't know what i say

you can always ask away

liking a m.i.l.f. is far from gay

quite the opposite, if you may

you may even be one yourself, and that's A-OK

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Wetly, hair bounces.

A moist kiss fills warm passion.

The tongues drink shudders.


passion begets urgency.

a loud night awaits all

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if you don't know what i say

you can always ask away

liking a m.i.l.f. is far from gay

quite the opposite, if you may

you may even be one yourself, and that's A-OK


Well then Milf I may be

but Cougar NO Sir..E

I'll ask if I like

As long as you don't bite

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you misconstrued my words

I wasn't talking about you

but all of us

me included

dropped in our skins

our ancestors sins

situations of time and place

they chose us

we didn't choose them

and past them we all try to push

like persistent plants

in a dry patch of land


if anyone has

an alcohol nurse

parents of full and empty purse

sick-headed leaders, drunk on their rage

it's me


that why I mentioned it

that's my life

it's me it fits

and so I writ

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Bare lovers, wear sweat

Screaming, the whispers moan.

Aches penetrate heat.


Sex tongues the languid mounds.

Heat probes wetly raw breasts.

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you misconstrued my words

I wasn't talking about you

but all of us

me included

dropped in our skins

our ancestors sins

situations of time and place

they chose us

we didn't choose them

and past them we all try to push

like persistent plants

in a dry patch of land


if anyone has

an alcohol nurse

parents of full and empty purse

sick-headed leaders, drunk on their rage

it's me


that why I mentioned it

that's my life

it's me it fits

and so I writ

I see :)

I got it

Later I thought it was out of your character to mean what I thought it was

I should say it's my misunderstanding sooner

Your poems are beautiful

Maybe I really have guilty conscience about some of my ancestors :laugh:

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she is never where i expect to find her

even though i travel a long way

the path is fulled with peril


running, jumping, swimming

i never tire


the great outdoors

the deepest dungeons

through the treacherous waters i swim


i'll pull the flags down

and reclaim the castle in your name


i just seek to see your face

and see you free


just once


my princess

my peach


i always knew you just in the next castle...

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I see :)

I got it

Later I thought it was out of your character to mean what I thought it was

I should say it's my misunderstanding sooner

Your poems are beautiful

Maybe I really have guilty conscience about some of my ancestors :laugh:


We ALL have guilty ancestors

and some of us, fathers

as in the fatherland (Germany)

try living that down :sick:


so worry not

about your kin

and I'm glad you got the poem

and got me


I may have a lot of shameful vices

(sloth, vanity, lust, anger)

but hating based on race

on where your home country lies

is thankfully not one of them


your poems are lovely, too

perched on high, making us look up for a change

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thanks, annieo, mine isn't poem, just write whatever I feel like




Where are you?

Time to wait on God

Time to move?

It is a secret I want to know

It is a regret I don't want to have


Tomorrow is another new day

I want God's grace covers the old ones

No matter what happened yesterday

Tomorrow is another new day


The human mind plans the way, but the Lord directs the steps.


In the deep of valley

Do you see friends?

If you see a few

Then you found real ones

Sometimes you will find

Only Lord is the one

Stand by your side

Understand you

and know your heart

see your tears

and embrace your weaknesses

Do you have real friends?

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i like the darkness

when i'm alone

i need it dusty, quiet, and discreet

it's as close to the abyss that i can get

so soothing


stay out

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i love her eyes

i love her hair

i love the way she doesn't really care


she's her own person

but she's not for the masses

she even looks great in glasses


i miss her voice

don't see her around

i wonder if she shaves her mound

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I hate dust

Like it if you must


I need light

Especially if it's hot and white


I really can't stand PETA

They'd pick an animal over a little girl named Rita

What's more important...animals or my fur coat?

I say let's put them all on a boat

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the darkness is soothing

and so private

i wish i was still scared of the night

alas no longer

because maybe i am the monster now?


in the nothingness, everything is equal

its only you and yourself

no judging, no self conscientious


one can rest in the peacefulness

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Too many cyber monsters for me to count

On my hot dog I love sauerkraut


Lovelybird is so cute with her love of god

It sems so mod



Nope, no friends for me

I'll stick to my immediate family

They love and accept me


I'm very lucky:love:

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Too many cyber monsters for me to count

On my hot dog I love sauerkraut


Lovelybird is so cute with her love of god

It sems so mod



Nope, no friends for me

I'll stick to my immediate family

They love and accept me


I'm very lucky:love:


I'm though trusting

It usually turns out disgusting

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i love ketchup on my hashbrowns

along with some syrup and salt

haven't had that in awhile

i would also like a chocolate malt


lovelybird is a doll

and with her i sometimes confide

i never use All or Cheer

i prefer Arm & Hammer powder or Tide


friends are overrated

not many really last

they usually only think of themselves

lies and betrayl come fast


family is important

yours is good I bet

luck is something uncontrollable

they bad type is the only kind I get ;)

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That's a shame your luck is bad

Mines just fine and dandy


Ketchup around for your hashbrowns

That must come in handy.:)


My real friends stick with me through thick and thin

This much I know is true

the ones that don't

I have know problem telling them to take a poo.:laugh:


Wolf your cool your really are

You seem just like a shining star.

Who ever you really are.;)

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maybe i was too rash

dissing all friends

there are some good ones

that stick around to the end


thank you meaplus

for reminding me of such things

self pity is silly

but sometimes, life just stings


i count two online now

that are very good friends

and i hope they stick around

i like the messages they send ;)

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People are two-faced

Or do I expect too much?


I agree about telling those who aren't real to take a poo.


You know who you are!


Accept me as I am or take a hike

Give as much as I give or don't think we're at all alike

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Two faced people yes they suck

Especially those that don't give a F***


Why they have so much anger one will never know

but they sure don't have issues letting it show.


So take the good and forget the bad

Who cares if you end up had

It will only make you mad!:laugh:

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