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Something for the Poets.

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who knows I wish she could come to the US and visit me and cook stuff


How you know she not in US?

She's too cool not to be.

Guarantee she is

Otherwise what a shame

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Thanks :)

If one day I visit USA

I would invite many of you

and cook whatever you can think of


Only one rule I have: no complaining to my cook

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cause believe her when she says she lives in china same way I believe you when you say your an old lady




I rather be old lady

than live in China

No offense China people

I just rather be old lady in US

Than young Chinese girl

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Thanks :)

If one day I visit USA

I would invite many of you

and cook whatever you can think of


Only one rule I have: no complaining to my cook


Ok, well I rather be young Chinese girl

And have your cook make me dinner

Than old USA lady

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i gave u my heart

right from the start,

u tore it apart

and left it in the dark,

u stabbed it in the eye

and punched it in the gut,

and now u know that I

am bleeding from this cut,

i cannot heal the pain

i cannot stop the rain,

and all i want to do,

is erase this nasty stain


a little somethin i made wat do u think to u who know wat i feel

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Thanks :)

If one day I visit USA

I would invite many of you

and cook whatever you can think of


Only one rule I have: no complaining to my cook


well if that ever happens I'd repay your cooking with a tour of all our greatest stuff

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Ok, well I rather be young Chinese girl

And have your cook make me dinner

Than old USA lady

I'd rather be a Chinese girl

than to be someone who doesn't know appreciation

and is shallow


I'd rather be born in China

than someone who was born in USA and feel entitled

I thank God for my experience and everything :love:


and KMT, that would be great:love:

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wise to be grateful

for the skin you're in

you had no choice

your country your birth


parents of full or empty purse

crazy ancestors with an alcohol nurse

your leaders drunk on their passing power


little life pushing

past rubble once tower

pointless and proud

stupid sweet flower

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and when I say "you"

I really mean "nous"

which is all of us


so don't make a fuss

if one thing is true

we're all stewing

in the same brew

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People can be cruel

No matter what race, color, wise, non-wise

People can be loving

No matter what race, color, wise, non-wise


A high branch look down on a little burgeon

Laugh and mock at her

Her high pitched laugh dance with the chill wind

Like knife cut through the flesh


Little burgeon sighs

Thought to herself

You and me both are branches and imperfect

The difference is you think you are higher


The "life and goodness" aren't born from you and me

Or from any our ancestors and leaders

My ancestors did many great things

They formed a long beautiful history, sometimes tearful and full of sighs

full of love and hate


After watching all these

Little burgeon understood

Only the source of goodness matters

Only living water that brings life matters

Because where He goes

where life and goodness spring out

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we are all branches

off a shared trunk

seeking water

from the same deep well

blind are the colours

of many-hued leaves

to the bottomless source

roots cleave

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i don't find it witty

i don't find it smart

if can't argue without insults


you will never sway anyone

never convince to your side

why don't you use your intelligence

and not make your comments snide


you come off sounding hateful

you come off sounding crass

even the person you defend

should have taugh you some class

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she might be old

but she has a hell of look

i'm talking about her face

her bod

and boy can her mind cook


she has wrinkles

though she tries to hide

she has an attitude to match

its cold, scold, and full of chide


but a heart of gold lies deep within

though she doesn't want you to see

she is a big softy to her close friends

but a bit bony to you and me

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Who are you calling bony and wrinkled?

I think some on here have brains that are a little crinkled.


Did someone on your Cheerios, tinkle?


Better bony than fat as a cow

At least that is what Mr. T says anyhow

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oh what can i say?

what can i do?

do you think everything i write

is all about you?


but at least you are not phony

and i can't call you bony

because im getting that way my self

(by leaving the candy on the shelf)

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oh bony thorn

put away thy woman's scorn

and instead lets get popcorn

to watch some good porn


:laugh: You guys are too cute

I'll remain for now, mute

I mean really, shoot

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two women here

a bird and a goddess

who needs porn?

a threesome! its obvious!


Shut up, Wolf

You still need porn

You can lie in bed and talk about ACORN

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Shut up, Wolf

You still need porn

You can lie in bed and talk about ACORN


a fixed election

what else is new?

the lead must not be so grand

whats a socialist to do?

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