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i've known my gf for nearly 5 yrs and started going out a yr or so ago. now we are having a ldr relationshp and i am ready to go through it.

So i've decided to go serious with our relationship make her meet my parents in view of mariage.

Btw am from a conservative country :(

She is doing her studies in another country and come back every year for some months

The prob is that.. she is not ready to admit to her parents that we are going out together..

Can you gurls give me ur views please?

Does she love me or she is not ready?

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You haven't given any context, cultural or otherwise, on which to base a response...have you asked your gf why she does not want to tell her parents? If you are ready to marry her, you should be comfortable enough with her to ask her such questions directly. Is there some reason why you feel you cannot?

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