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Does he like me?PLzzzz help!

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Ok, I've been friends with this guy for about 3 years and i didn't realise until about 6 months ago that i've been head over heels for him for god knows how long. Since i notcied we seem to be getting closer and closer. He texts me and me him loads (though usually i instigate the convos) and when we're together he'll tease me and laugh at me (in a kinda cute way though!) and he compliments me occassionally too, which is weird as he's really shy so is normally quite quiet about stuff like that. We're also quite touchy feely when we're together. A couple of people have said they reckon he likes me but im pretty sure he knows I like him and he hasn't made a move or anything so i don't know what to think. Argh! I mean, he asked me to this gig, but that was with one of his mates and it's because he knows i like the same music as him you see. Sorry this message is so waffly! I hope someone understands. I'm so scared of making a move myself as firstly am really shy and secondly i don't want to mess things up. He confuses me so much. Oh oh, and about 4 of my firends like him too, argh! Don't think they knnow i know though. Oh dear! Please reply!! Thanky you :-) xxxx

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Why don't you just tell him? What have you got to lose, just say "I like being with you" or "It's fun hanging out with you (or talking with you)" whatever. How's he supposed to know unless you say something?

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Nazima is right. If he hasn't moved already then you'll have to ask him or at least raise the subject before you'll have an idea where you stand. There is no way to read his mind based on body language or scraps of conversation; that stuff is far too open to interpretation. For all you know, he could be faced with the same problem w.r.t. you and your behaviour and be praying for a suitable opening to ask you out. Some guys need to be very confident they're not about to make an unwanted advance before they'll make their move!


If asking him out is too difficult for you, try what Nazima suggested and mention how much you enjoy spending time with him, adding that you would be very open to spending more time with him. If he didn't already realise you were interested in him romantically -- and probably the thought HAS occurred to him even if he doesn't wish to make any assumptions-- that should give his thinking a kick-start. If it doesn't... well maybe you could get out a piece of paper and draw him a picture. :D

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maybe he's in the same boat as u, being hesistant and scared of jeopardizing the friendship.....he might be afraid of making the first move as well...so u just gotta test the water out...just try to be a little more forward and watch his reactiosn.

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I'm in a similar situation and I keep telling myself to 'just do it!' I'm driving my friends crazy asking their advice..it just comes back to being open and honest with the person.


SO, yeah. Go for it. Just say it casually and he'll likely feel really flattered. It takes a lot of courage to do, but it's worth it. You don't want to regret not saying it months or years down the line.


While I can relate and have the same issue with a guy friend of mine, I'm getting closer to saying something. You're pretty sure he likes you..BUT you really need to find out 100% if he wants more than friendship.


Don't waste anymore time thinking about it...it doesn't fade away and get better. It's still driving me nuts not saying anything to this guy.



Good Luck!



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Thanks for replying! Am so glad someone is kinda experiencing the same thing! Is it like, you can kinda sense that he likes you but you can't be 100% sure?? Silly men! He's asked me to go see his friend's band play tomorrow night so hopefully that might lead to something, though probably not! Have you managed to say anything yet?? Good luck! xx

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