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Many a friend tale :)

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Loss 4 words

Ok...so my friends seem to all have issues, but there are a few that REALLY get to me....(angry face)


Friend#1: Says that they hate 'players' yet plays games too....how can they expect to find someone if they call them out as being a player if they turn around and do the same thing too....


Friend#2: We're really close for only knowing eachother for a couple weeks...the whole "dating" title isn't applied because they're dating their ex b/f again, but we see eachother often enough and have made out and stuff, yet they don't consider us 'dating'.....and here i am losing sleep and stuff over it...and we have a mutal understanding on how we feel about eachother...which there is a deep connection...and that time will tell us where we stand.....




What ever....I'm getting sick of killing myself emotionally and not getting my needs met....I'm still all about being friends....can't take it much longer.

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