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what is he doing?

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Okay, here's the problem...i have this guy "friend" who told me he wasn't attracted to me in that way ( which i don't see why, cause alot of my friends say i'm pretty than most people but anyway, that's a whole other story) Well, he says things that are really confusing and that, to me, you wouldn't say to someone who you just told you weren't attracted to. like, for example, i was online and he im'd me and was talking to me and he basically asked me if i wanted to have sex...what? and we got on the subject of jobs and and he asked me what kind of job i was looking for and he mentioned porn..well, then he said,"we could make one and sell it"..um, ok so like he's telling me he's not attracted to me and wants to make a porno w/ me..he said he wasn't joking. I want to believe that he isn't attrcted to me but when he says things like that..what is going on..? Do u think he likes me and is just keeping it secret? He also seems to ask me alot about if i think he's hot or cute...i mean why would he even care if he wasn't interested in me..ya know? What do ya'll think...

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Either this is his way of letting you know his feelings- although most goes are far less direct and might say somehting questionable about his feelings-


I think this guy wants a hookup and that's it.

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and just to tell you what a jerk this guy is...after he had basically told me that he wasn't attracted to me, i asked him to go to something and he asked me if there were any hot girls there?...can you believe that? does this guy have a heart? would u think any girl would want to be w/ him...i mean every guy knoew that saying that to any girl, especially one u just told you weren't attracted to isn't very couth..ya know?

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So this guy you think is a 'friend', and I'm using the term loosely, tells you he's not interested in you 'that way', then says he wants to make a porn flick with you? If I were you I'd tell this guy what a jerk he is and never to contact me again! Sounds like to me he's nothing more than a pervert who wants to take advantage of you! I think he's totally sick and just wants to use you. :eek::eek:

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