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I told you so...

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Okay, my name is Chinook and I am a numpty. I'd like to take this opportunity to give a few of the other regular LS guys, a chance to kick my backside. Tee hee!


Here's the upshot. 12 months ago I was dumped in a pretty bad way and hurt pretty badly. 3 months or so ago, I started to feel alot better. During the last 6 months I've been friendly with a guy from work. Not too friendly - just coffee and lunch now and again. A couple of weeks ago, he ended his relationship with his partner and walked out... with nowhere to live. At the time I was panicking because I felt like it was 'convenient' and maybe it was a hook to an EMR situation. (How wrong can you be..?!)


Anyhow, initially... he stayed with his friend in the dept (but he has just got married and the W wasn't too pleased about having a lodger). So... in passing conversation I explained I had space at my place and he could come stay with me for a while. So he did. Even though I liked him alot (okay more than alot) I thought I could handle things and maybe he'd need space etc because of the end of the relationship he had etc.


However much you say, 'I'm not going there' and 'nah, it's not going to happen' it still happened :D


So now we have a situ where I was actually ready to date, I liked the guy... he is officially single and happy to date too. So what's the problem..? Hm I'm worried about rebound.


Does anyone know what tends to happen in 'rebound' situations...? I'm not used to this kind of thing (never been a rebound) and I guess I'm trying to enjoy things for what they are... without any pressure - but I'd also like to see the hit coming before I take another fall. I know that's probably a bit unrealistic but any ideas how committed people are in a FWB/rebound situation or whether they want to keep things hushed up, that kind of thing....?! Anyone any experience of being the rebound...?! Was it so bad...?!


I know this isn't my usual kinda post with everything set out clearly - but the world went mad this week and my head is all over the place. But I'm trying to hold a clear line on the 'be realistic' thing rather than throwing myself in at the deep end... Any ideas... any clues would help :D


Oh and like the title says I'm waiting for the usual suspects to say 'I told you so' (to be careful... TBF in particular! :D)

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