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SHOULD I WALK AWAY (someone please reply)

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someone please help, My wife left me about


one month ago taking my little baby with her(we


was only married 8 months but we had a few problems


and rather than work through them my wife left)


ever since she left i have been suffering from


severe depression i cant eat sleep or function




I have tried to work things out with my wife


i.e sending her flowres calling her and telling


her i love and miss her but I think it really


is over and this i cant cope with. I miss my wife


and child so much i'm allway crying and every


time I pick my child up and i see my wife it breaks


my heart and taking my child back to her is like


taking my heart out every time i dont know how


much longer i can take it, I am considering just


walking away and moving far away I know i will


still feel the same but I wont have the agony


of seeing them both as this really is killing


me but I dont want it to look like I dont care


because I really do I dont want to come across


as someone who doesn't care because I have tried


everything to win her back and I really love them


both They are my world I hope someone can help


me with this.

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someone please help, My wife left me about


one month ago taking my little baby with her(we was only married 8 months but we had a few problems and rather than work through them my wife left) ever since she left i have been suffering from severe depression i cant eat sleep or function


propely, I have tried to work things out with my wife


i.e sending her flowres calling her and telling


her i love and miss her but I think it really


is over and this i cant cope with. I miss my wife and child so much i'm allway crying and every


time I pick my child up and i see my wife it breaks my heart and taking my child back to her is like taking my heart out every time i dont know how much longer i can take it, I am considering just walking away and moving far away I know i will still feel the same but I wont have the agony


of seeing them both as this really is killing


me but I dont want it to look like I dont care because I really do I dont want to come across


as someone who doesn't care because I have tried everything to win her back and I really love them both They are my world I hope someone can help me with this.


Hello again Peter. Are you looking for help, or are you just waiting for someone to tell you what you want to hear?

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I dont know what i want but all this really is getting to me and i dont know which way to turn the last thing in the world i want is to walk away but i dont know what to do

Hello again Peter. Are you looking for help, or are you just waiting for someone to tell you what you want to hear?
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I think that you and your wife need to go through some counseling. I don't know why she left but there is some reason that flowers can't make up for. You can't run away from whatever your problems are. You should seek professional help to get through this and learn how to deal with it. It may or may not be over for you and your wife but I am sure your baby is very important to you and you should not let the actions of your wife or your feelings for your wife, decide how you feel about your baby.

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