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asking out strangers!!?

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My first post here.. hi all!

Umm ok so lately i've been thinking.. theres a store nearby which i pop into every now and then, and one of the staff is this cute chick... (bear with me this is kinda strange asking..) so it got me wondering.. how would you approach someone that just works in a store (a video store in this case), that you know nothing about apart from the odd 'what can you recommend for a lazy sundays viewing?' kinda chit chat, and is it normal for complete strangers to be so bold??

This is kind of a hypothetical question, coz i dunno if i'd ever summon the courage; my mind is constantly flooded with the 'what if <insert negative outcome>?' scenerios... and im guessing there are alot of people wondering the same thing out there...

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Enter into some light conversation with her, ask her some trivial questions about herself, and then ask her if you might call on the phone sometime. Ask her for her number. The very worst thing that can happen is you take no action at all.


"For all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are those 'It might have been.'" -- John Greenleaf Whittier

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