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Five dates and nothing or should I have faith?

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As I said before I have had five dates with a boy, he's 25.

The first time it went great, we went out on a thursday, then a friday.

The next week, I saw him friday and a saturday, next week I couldn't see him because I had final tests, and then he invnited me to a wedding on saturday.

The thing is, he hasn't called me throughout the entire week.

I am doubting if we are going to go out still or not.

Everything seemed to be going great but I am doubting because he had always called me throughout the week, and this week he hasn't. I don't know what is wrong.

I don't understand what is happening, I mean...we seemed to have a great time. we kissed in the fourth date, in the fifth he tried to kiss me twice, but I didn't. he said he was going to go on a working trip this week but he had been to work somewhere else other days andhe had call me.

what should I expect? I am going out of my mind here.

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Because it's been five dates and he is in Mexico somewhere in Cancun working.

What if he gets bothered if I call him. Once I called an ex boyfriend and he got really mad that I called to his job. Well, he was weird. But, what if he is not interested? I have to give him the space to determine wether he wants to keep on seeing me or not.

I mean.....If he calls me I am going to be sure he is interested, if he doesn't call its obvious he is not interested.

I don't want to appear to be desperate, he told me like a week ago he was going to make this trip.

The truth is I am desperate to know about him. I just hope he thinks of me too and doesn't let me go.

I am scared if I call he will think I am stalking him or obsessed or over eager, because I am not. I want to take things slowly...but I also want him to show interest. Only now, if we would have had more dates it would be different. Every man is different towards the calls. Some like it, some don't. Some feel that if you call them, you are just crazy to be with them and they lose interest because there is no conquest anymore.

This is just me.

so....I am truly desperate but I don't want him to believe I am desperate. That's why I don't call, I cannot sleep all I do is think of him, if he is going to call or not. I am full of fear and ......I don't want to lose right now.

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