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Why shouldn't a guy persue a relationship with girl that is taken?

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Why shouldn't a guy persue a relationship with girl that is taken?


I understand that you are not supposed to, but I wanted to see what everyone had to say about the subject.


What makes it so wrong?

Under what cases, if any, is it OK?

Would it be different if the sexes were flipped?


Let's try to arrive at a consensus....

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wow, i hate this question but i will answer anyways. i think this question goes answered with out even needing everyones answers.

what makes it so wrong? she is taken, she has a man, trying to get into the middle of that breaks a bond between her and her man. it is never ever ok. no it wouldnt be different if the sexes were flipped.

i think if you try to get involved with someone who is taken and they leave that person for you, they will and can do the same thing to you. if they can do it with you they can do it to you. also, they will cheat on you too, if they can cheat on the person they are with

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Jalexy is right. You should never ever do this. Cheating is the most hurtful thing anyone can do, and you should never try to come between a girl/guy in a relationship.

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1. "What makes it so wrong?"


I suppose there's nothing wrong with it if you have a perverted sense of principles, morals and ethics. But decent people operate on a level that respects the sanctity of other people's relationships.


2. "Under what cases, if any, is it OK?"


If the person's partner has been dead for at least six months.


3. "Would it be different if the sexes were flipped?"


Both sexes flip out from time to time. Turning things around doesn't make pursuing someone's partner right at all.


Sometimes, a person in a relationship will flirt with a single person because he or she is unhappy in the relationship. In that case, if you're interested tell the person to end their current relationship before pursuing a new one.

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Well, I guess it depends on what your definition of "taken" is. If the other person is married, then its a big no-no in my book.


If the other person is dating someone on a steady basis but no long-term commitment has been made (engagement) then I don't see a problem with letting the person know you are interested in them -- they might be flattered, I know I was when someone showed an interest in me. HOWEVER, if the person tells you that they are not interested and that they "have" someone, then back-off and respect them.


If they are not that committed to the other person and show an interest in seeing you - make sure they break it off with the other person BEFORE pursuing a relationship or even a date, with you. If they are not willing to do that, then you shouldn't date them as it will just lead to heartache for all parties concerned.


If you are dating someone and they are approached by someone else, and they are interested in them, wouldn't you expect the same consideration from that person -- i.e. tell you and break it off before they start dating the other person?


Thats how I see it

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Regardless of titles like "married" or "engaged", it all comes down to the other person's level of commitment. If she (or he) is in a relationship AND willing to get involved with you, then they are cheating on their relationship. And if they would cheat on their current partner, THEY WOULD CHEAT ON YOU TOO.

The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Do you really want someone who would cheat?


Not to mention that it's completely dishonorable to go after another guy's wife. I think infidelity is still a justifiable murder defense in Texas. If not, it should be.

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Circumstances always play a part. Maybe the woman is extremly unhappy in her relationship and although she's tried her hubby may be a prick. Maybe she's just scared and would only leave her husband if she found someone else. I think you have to have all the facts first before labelling someone "once a cheater always a cheater".

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