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I Need Him Back


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On the 18th My boyfriend of 6 months broke up with me, saying he needed a break to figure things out going on in his life. I know his life is very stressful, so I know it was the truth. But it hurts so much because I can't live without him. I still spend time with him, but strictly as best friends. I don't know how to act around him anymore, I feel nervous everytime I'm with him. I'm afraid He will stop loving me ass he figures things out, and I will lose him. I can't. I need him so much, and it's only been three days, but no holding hands, and no kisses are killing me. I feel so lonely and betrayed. Is there anything I can do to make sure his feelings don't change?

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you are still in highschool, i remember how hard break ups were back then...they get easier i think, girly.

well you dont need him back you dont NEED anything but food water shelter and love from family and friends. umm i dont think its fair to you that yall hang out and you cant kiss and what not. take yourself away from it, this situation.

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Now listen to me QuteLilMunchkin. YOU CAN LIVE WITHOUT HIM and this is NOT KILLING YOU! Do you understand? I do not doubt it hurts like CRAZY but this is not the end of your life. You have SO MUCH ahead of you. Don’t fear him falling out of love with you, if he does then he was never really the guy for you was he. Even if a man is with you, in a committed, they can still fall out of love, so stop thinking this is going to happen now that you are on this break.


My suggestion to you would be not to see him that often. He wants space, well I would give it to him. If I were you I probably wouldn’t see him for a while, pretend I am extra busy and don’t have time.. NO don’t be scared, he might start worrying that you are going to move on, after all he should be the one that is scared not you, he is the one that was willing to risk losing you. Let his heart long for you but not being around him soo much. Be strong, YOU CAN DO IT. Remember you can live without him, all you need is YOU. Don’t ever live for someone else… that is not healthy and a little obsessive if you ask me. You think about yourself now, go out with your friends and leave him do his thing for a while. Let him want you back. Don’t be so readily available. I realize that what I am suggesting is very hard but I suppose it depends on how much you love and respect yourself as to whether you find the courage to do it.


Good Luck



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