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Having a slight problem that's got me kind of confused. To make it short, I have a friend whom I've known for about 10 years. Not what you call a close friend but not just an acquitance either. She's one of my little sisters best friends and my family and hers know each other very well which is the reason why I don't want to do anything stupid. I've always seen her as a purely platonic friend but since a year or so ago, I've been attracted to her but never made a move. Yesterday was my sisters HS graduation and I was busy running many errands so I didn't get a chance to converse with her. Anyways, literally out of nowhere, she pulls me aside & gives me her cell phone number and tells me to call her so we can actually hang out since we never do (she just came back from college for the summer + even though I've known for yrs, we've not actually hanged out alone; it's always been with a group of others which usually includes my sister). She told me that she's starting another job soon (on Friday) and would like to chill with me sometime before that. Now what's got me confused is, did she mean we should hang out alone with just the two of us or just in general along with my sister like in the past. Whenever we've hanged out, it's almost always been because my sister happened to be there with her. In that sense, I think she only sees me as a friend but then again, why would she give me her cell phone and tell me to call her soon when she could have just went through my sister?

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At this point, I would say utilize what she gave you... call her on her cell and tell her that you are interested in hanging out before Friday and ask her what she had in mind. It's easier than theory craft here. It's a sure way to know if you she meant alone or with your sister in the mix as well. At the very least, you can try to pinpoint what days might work, without getting trapped into assuming too much from the gesture, which seems to be the stage you are at right now.

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