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Perplexing Engagement situation...

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Imagine...every holiday, bday, valentines day, anniversary....all the women in her life ask her if she got engaged.

They are asking, 'what is he waiting for?'. Telling her...'he is commitment phobic, will never marry you'. 'You better not waste more time with him.'


She knows what her decision is. She wants to marry you. YOU have not proposed yet. So.....this creates fear that the man she wants to spend the rest of her life with....does not want to spend the rest of his life with her.


It is all about the fear. No ring = fear.


I have been with my BF for over 5 years now. I finally asked him outright if he was planning on marrying me. He said yes. But, I asked him if he has a plan....nope. I told him that suggests to me that it is not as important to him as it is to me. Fear. Have I spent the last few years waiting for a proposal that will never come?

Like one poster above said - I may not even need marriage, but I need to know what the real deal is. It is my future, too!


So, my advice is to look lovingly into your girlfriends eyes and tell her that you plan to spend the rest of your life with her. She has nothing to worry about. Reassure her. She wants the surprise engagement just as much as you do. Just relieve the fear.

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