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Insight pleeease...

I am a model, I study nutrition/medicine..I don't drink, I don't smoke, I don't do drugs and I am NOOOOT materialistic.

sometimes I feel that if I were bornt again, I should have been born ugly, fat, short and nerdy...because I attract the most stupid type of men.

All of them are rich with an awesome car, but inside they are rotten...I don't know what has been going on but I am soooo tired of it.

Today I stopped going out with a boy I useeed to be interested in. Because he said I was " A veeery good girl and sometimes I should think less about other people and start thinking more about myself"...


tired of going out with assh-..-.es

sorry but it is true.

I've been going out in so many dates...I am exhausted, and tired and jaded.

there's no spark in the game of love anymore for me. I feel my energies are all absorbed. I'm tired of trying to look out for the comprehensive, good person who will support me and love me for who I IIII AAAM.

tired of this s...t

besides, I know all the mind playing games...I hate them all, I have becomed all blunt and direct. which I don't know if it is good or not but I don't follow the rules of dating cause I get annoyed pretty easily.



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If a guy is flashing money around, you can bet he's brash nouveau rich or faking it, to draw chicks. I would avoid someone like this, like the plague.


What do you want in a man? I hope it's not his bank roll.

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I waaaant someone like meee, good person. good values, open minded, feet down to earth, with a career, fun to be with, hardworking and healthy...

but it seeeems it is too much to ask.

I am becoming desperate and fed up, and I am just 23!!!!!

and sometimes I feel pressure to have something stable because where I live...people become stable too early.

though, I don't want something stable if it ain't worth the pain.

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Take a look at your first post and your last one. They conflict.


You're dating men who flash cash and yet you want someone hardworking and career minded. Do you see the contrast?

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I think you should look for someone who can unstick the vowels on your keyboard.

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Just because somebody is career minded and hard working doesn't mean they have to run around flashing cash and acting like an a$$.


If you're tired of dating and feel like it's doing more damage than good, then take a break. Nobody says you have to date everybody that asks. You don't have to be dating somebody. Just wait till you meet somebody that you think won't disapoint you and try again.

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I don't care if somebody flashes the cash or not, as long as they have morals.

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If a guy is flashing money around, you can bet he's brash nouveau rich or faking it, to draw chicks. I would avoid someone like this, like the plague.


What do you want in a man? I hope it's not his bank roll.


Dead on Correct ! Most wealthy men don't flash it or want you to know about the cash unless they see a future with you.


If he is flashing the cash then he likely is * owned * by his rich daddy or thinks money buys chicks...

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