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Maybe I am just a Dreamer...

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Maybe I am just a dreamer, but I believe that love can conquer all things. Even over space and time. That even a period of a few years is worth waiting if the Love is Pure and True. Has anyone had an experience than can back me on this?

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Maybe I am just a dreamer, but I believe that love can conquer all things. Even over space and time. That even a period of a few years is worth waiting if the Love is Pure and True. Has anyone had an experience than can back me on this?



I really don't know what you mean by "conquer", but yes, love is the most powerful feeling in the world. And when you share that love with someone, everything becomes possible. And falling in love happens pretty suddenly. I started dating my husband a week after my eighteenth birthday. He proposed two month's later. And we have been happily married for more than twenty years. Love does not die.

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Love can conquer some things, MAYBE. It can make you feel damned good. And it can make you utterly miserable. People give away fortunes because of it...and kill themselves over it. People kill each other over it and go to prison for life over it. It is a great feeling but to love someone you must also have the fortitude to leave them for all time. When you love someone, you and you alone own that feeling. If they love you in return, they alone own their feelings. You can never know exactly the depth of another's love for you.


Love doesn't conquer much and it's not suppose to. We demand far too much from love. Just as a great meal demand many ingredients from the chef, love demands a lot of input from the participants if it is to be mutual.


Love also requires that you do not accept lack of consideration, abuse or other rudeness from the love object. That is codependency. If you are in a relationship and you have to ask about the nature of love or if it conquers all of whatever, you are not in a very good relationship. When you are in love, you do not seek answers, you GIVE them!!!

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