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How do I tell him I pregnant?

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I DO expect a regular friend with benefits to let me know when she is fertile and when she's not.


Regarding condoms, so far I haven't heard anyone, man or woman, tell me it enhances their pleasure to use condom compared to without. What pisses me off here is that a man who cares about the pleasure of his woman, will then avoid condoms if possible FOR HER SAKE too.


Wanting a child is a legitimate need.

Turning into a liar by omission and making the man believe you're protected, on the other hand, is a horrible deed.


Women, start living your life with integrity: Don't lead the man on.


If you conceived, do you really think the grown up child will be proud of you having lied by omission?


Do you expect your friend with benefits to tell you she is sleeping with other people too ?


Did you know MANY people are not wearing condoms versus those that are ? Did you know most men prefer bareback with women and if the woman agrees to it , then most men will tell you they prefer no condom.


Do you know how many women want to intentially get pregnant with or without your consent or permission ?


Not all women live the life of integrity. And there are those women who do. How do you know which one you are getting ?


Lesson : Wear a condom every time or a baby could be the outcome. The women might not take the pill correctly and still insist she was taking the Pill.

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No. He was definitely there for conception. By very nature of us staying casual means that I'll still be going through this alone. He already has a daughter. I really don't expect anything from him for me. I guess I just want to know. I hope he's as good to our baby as he is to his daughter.



I just don't understand why you are afraid to tell him. Are you afraid he will run away? You say you don't expect anything from him yet you say you hope he is as good to your baby as his daughter. I think you need to decide what you want from him. Also I don't know why you need a special way to tell him, just say it.

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Oh I just read you went off the pill without telling him. That is not fair! If I were him I would be "over the top" upset about this. You put his future in your hands when you didn't tell him this. It sounds like he has been very honest with you about what he wants from your relationship (FWB).

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