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Hi I have never posted here so please Bear w/ me


My best friend and I are together ALL thetime and everyone says we make a great couple and we get along Great!


the other Day at the mall A guy in this store was helping us as we were trying on things and he asked me how long we had been going out!!


I didn't want to say anything i just smiled and my guy walked out in some swimmin trunks to show off!


When he went back in he said we made a great couple! and I know what ur thinking but i don't like him just for image I love him to death but latly I feel Like I love him as a Life Long partner and not a best friend! I don't know what to do!


his best friend says I am talked about often and has even sent me emails that he has sent him!


Oh god please help me! Please no Lil highschool advice u highschoolers know what i mean! u know like move on or whatever i really care about him and he really cares about ME!! PLEASE ADVISE! WHAT SHOULD I DO???!!!



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Hi I have never posted here so please Bear w/ me My best friend and I are together ALL thetime and everyone says we make a great couple and we get along Great! the other Day at the mall A guy in this store was helping us as we were trying on things and he asked me how long we had been going out!! I didn't want to say anything i just smiled and my guy walked out in some swimmin trunks to show off! When he went back in he said we made a great couple! and I know what ur thinking but i don't like him just for image I love him to death but latly I feel Like I love him as a Life Long partner and not a best friend! I don't know what to do!


his best friend says I am talked about often and has even sent me emails that he has sent him!


Oh god please help me! Please no Lil highschool advice u highschoolers know what i mean! u know like move on or whatever i really care about him and he really cares about ME!! PLEASE ADVISE! WHAT SHOULD I DO???!!! THANKS MAIL ME OR JUST REPLY TO THIS ON THIS PAGE!

Hi Tiffany!


First of all, it's very flattering to hear people say you make a great couple, but I wouldn't read too much into it. It predicts and guarantees nothing, and especially when it comes from a total stranger. What would they know?


It sounds like he certainly "likes" you, otherwise he wouldn't hang out with you. So that's a good thing. Maybe he quite fancies you. But you will never find out by sitting and doing nothing. Be casual, & laidback. Flirt with him a bit, if you can. One day as you leave,or are thanking him for something, maybe just give him a quick kiss on the cheek, and see his reaction. This way, if he's not interested (ie if he moves away to avoid the kiss), you can try and make out it was a "friendly" kiss, and have kept your pride intact! But obviously be careful not to scare him off. If you come on too strong, you could end up losing a friend, and not just a potential boyfriend. We all get feelings that somebody is "destined" for us, but chill out, have fun, take your time, and then decide about lifelong commitments. Good luck!

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Totally Confused



Keep doing exactly what you're doing and don't change a thing. This guy really likes you and little by little a things will start happening, naturally. Guys don't just hang out everyday with a girl, unless there is a romantic interest. Don't worry about what to do next, you won't even have to try or sweat it. That's how my boyfriend and I got started, the exact same situation and we're doing great.


Good luck and I hope you two end up happy.

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Totally confused, you are soooooo wonderful, i love your advice and i love you, too.....

Tiffany, Keep doing exactly what you're doing and don't change a thing. This guy really likes you and little by little a things will start happening, naturally. Guys don't just hang out everyday with a girl, unless there is a romantic interest. Don't worry about what to do next, you won't even have to try or sweat it. That's how my boyfriend and I got started, the exact same situation and we're doing great. Good luck and I hope you two end up happy.
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